winter longed
halloucionigenic distortion
it feels good when he gets the girl
an exchange of power
movie time romance is shiva and shakti
he's not whole like an uncharged battery
without her femanine energy
stir the electrons in my head
pull me down with you
four poster heavy breathing
and covers strewn sideways
it would be tracing nail marks in
the sleepless nights left cold in empty bed
want what can't but clutch for what have
Eyes rembered like a first glimpse of ocean water
traced salt lines with revlon tinge
body made for touching
mind made to sin
twilight longing as dawn kisses the sky
I will toss and turn
I will wonder why
Born anew each day I follow
shake me from these patterns
as a dog worries a bone
deep inside my marrow
behind my bloodshot eyes
is there someone home?
Trace and touch feelings bundled
and full of twine and its this
late night longing
that stills the hands of time
would that I could blissfully sleep
knowing you called me yours
and faith was an arrow or love was a cup
I'd be pierced through and full up
roiling snakes in my belly
electric tension on my shoulders
an actor without stage or play
a cast of one
and I don't want to be alone
read a book watch tv
does it matter how far I can see
looking forward emotions stuck in the past
bug trapped amber
release me to the present moment
so that I can unfurl
live life right
but how does a storm tempest
become present calm
unwrap me under your tree
empty bed
full head
a belly full of dread
smoking cigarettes in the cold
halloucionigenic distortion
it feels good when he gets the girl
an exchange of power
movie time romance is shiva and shakti
he's not whole like an uncharged battery
without her femanine energy
stir the electrons in my head
pull me down with you
four poster heavy breathing
and covers strewn sideways
it would be tracing nail marks in
the sleepless nights left cold in empty bed
want what can't but clutch for what have
Eyes rembered like a first glimpse of ocean water
traced salt lines with revlon tinge
body made for touching
mind made to sin
twilight longing as dawn kisses the sky
I will toss and turn
I will wonder why
Born anew each day I follow
shake me from these patterns
as a dog worries a bone
deep inside my marrow
behind my bloodshot eyes
is there someone home?
Trace and touch feelings bundled
and full of twine and its this
late night longing
that stills the hands of time
would that I could blissfully sleep
knowing you called me yours
and faith was an arrow or love was a cup
I'd be pierced through and full up
roiling snakes in my belly
electric tension on my shoulders
an actor without stage or play
a cast of one
and I don't want to be alone
read a book watch tv
does it matter how far I can see
looking forward emotions stuck in the past
bug trapped amber
release me to the present moment
so that I can unfurl
live life right
but how does a storm tempest
become present calm
unwrap me under your tree
empty bed
full head
a belly full of dread
smoking cigarettes in the cold