I'm fucking housed. I used to be that shy kid that clung to the person who brought me to a party. God those were th days. Tonight I made a lot of buddys with the girl I wanted to nail''s friends. I supposed I could have chased more I mean but how attractive is it to bring someone into your group of friends and have them at your heels? every girl i've ever dated respects a man who can handle his shit in the midst of strangers. I fucking won the crowd I mean never once did I feel out of place talkin shit with these kid she hangs with. Fuck after she left with some dude (yeah fuckin shit) she's known for a long time apparently I shook some hands got invited back and walked home. Long enough of course to thank atibon legba at the cross roads. I'm too drunk to care but she was wearing this mini skirt and thong, by skirt I mean like little little my knees are a full two ft below. of course as a man I've been trained in the art of stealth "oh you bend over to find your kitty under the sofa" g-string shot. did i ever mention that I love being alive?
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