Okay well, I'm sad, Kerry conceded the election before knowing the final results. So I say fuck this, who knows were we'll be in 4 year, well the united states at least. I've decided that I'm going to fulfill a life long dream....I'm going to take over a Providence of Canada. I'm thinking Manatoba or something like that. Oh maybe mexico...hmm mexico would be nice I like mexican food and beer..Hmm Which one...maybe both Suround the US on all sides then take the US over perhaps?
Mind you all I hope this will all be done with riding a stolen wal-mart cart
Question of the Day: Whose coming with me to take over Manatoba, or do you have a better sugesstion for a place to take over?
Mind you all I hope this will all be done with riding a stolen wal-mart cart

Question of the Day: Whose coming with me to take over Manatoba, or do you have a better sugesstion for a place to take over?

i guess it was just my time to emotionally explode the other night. had i been able to predict it, i wouldnt have gone out.
at least i didnt hit anyone though.