Since I can't really think of anything to write I decided that I would talk about my past. Because I've been talking with my friend Kirk and thinking about my high school years.
Well I spent my Highschool years in Bangkok Thailand. It was for sure a great time. One of the first people I met was my best Friend Jon (whom now lives in Wisconsin). He lived near me, and we talked with each other on our way home. anyways For the most part freshman year was fairly tame. We had a group of friends that was about 8 people not to large not to small all 14-15 year old were we all dorks. Jon and I being the two wild ones of the group went so far as to sneak out and get drunk downtown.
I had this huge crush on this girl, Dana....that didn't really go all....anyways over all Freshman year was a lot of drunk, lost virginity.......yea hthat's about it.
Sophomore year was interesting....basically out group of friends shot up from 8 to about was this year that the rest of the guys came around to the wonders of going out and getting of the insanity (10 15-16 year old kids going out getting drunk as shit) We thought we were all the shit. For the most part our days started wit the end of school we 'd all go to my friend Mike's house Basically play video games and eat his food.
Junior year things changed I become really reclusive and girls started hanging out with the group so we suddenly went from 13 to about 20 people. I also started dating girls this year (late yes I was 17) hmm the first one was this girl Juls we dated about a week. next one was a close friend of mine Sam...we got together on a school trip to Italy...hmm This was also the last year I was going to be spending with my Friend Kirk....(Kirk Moved to Germany at the end of this year, then moved back to THailand after we had all graduated....then he went to Canada for a year met some his silly ass is back in Thailand) The relationship I had wit hSam was good for the most part...but we hit some rocks and basically broke up for a silly reason....she didn't call me and I didn't call her enough hehe stupid high school kids. It was also on this trip to Italy that I met another gir l Iwould date later that friend Kelley a freshman at my school. We dated for about 2 and half was really good and we broke up because well besically the summer break (came back to the US she went to thwe Boston area for about a month.....that month killed the relatonsip) We kinda stopped talking at taht...but before i get to my Senior year...I also started Kung-fu this year...which is were I met a girl named Karen whom become my instant best friend...I was dating Kelley and Karen was in between's funny because i was trying to decide which one i wanted t odate..Kelley or Karen I decided on Karen become my friend hehe. My best memory of that year was a house party my friend Busby lasted three days....drunk, stoned, and anything else we could find to do. Hehe I remember I showed up kinda late ( was out with Kelley) the First day....bascially stayed there until monday morning.....each night I wold leave for about an hour or so and meet up with Kelley at the park. kelley left monday morning for the states....which was basically the end of our relationship and the end of my junior year.
Anyways Senior year comes around Over the summer Kelley and i broke up and I was pretty hurt by it. My Friends were supportive for me. I was drinking a lot then I continued wit hKung-fu though and my friend Czerski actaully moved into my house his parents moved to south Carolina and he wanted to stay in thailand to finish his HS with hsi my parents offered to have him sta with he was that fun..late nights smoking and drinking on one of the porches in my house, just talking about everything.
One November 10th I was working late on the yearbook with Karen I was the design editor she was a photographer. The Teacher had given me a key to the yearbook room which was also the photo room. Well I had been drinking quite a bit and I decided that I was gonna go into the dark room..I offered to Karen to join me so she did. We went in, complete darkness...laughing and trying to find our way some point she tripped and I caught her...all of the sudden we started kissing. The Next day I asked her out and she said a since that was the beginning of the end for the group of guys. Jon was dating Kim, I was dating Karen, (she was only a sophomore by the way. Daum and Ben were dating two girls (hard to say because they filfloped a lot) I spent the majority of my time with Karen and Czerski oh czerski was also dating my next door neighbor Jenna......we made a local bar Floaters ( a resturant/bar that is over looking a pond that has huge Fish talking like 2 foot long catfish) Then well I graduated....I still have a great picture of myself, Jon and Czerski with the Prinicpal...hmm I sohuld scan it and put it up hehe.
Jon and I had grown apart by this fact it I grew apart from the rest of the guys as well..... After graduation we all went out but i was thinking about Karen all night. ( he had basically become insepreable) a few nights later I realized that I had forgotten the friendships I had made of the past I called the guys up and we had one last night out Boys night out.....It was the last time all of us would be together. sJon was the first to leave...I remember calling Jon the night he was leaving and asking him out to a pool near my house.....there we just sat and talked for about 5 hours....we hugged and cried a bit and he left.....I sat there at the pool for another 2 hours just thinking about the past couple of years. I left soon after, but since i my school didn't start until mid september I was gonna come back for two weeks and spend time with Karen ( we had decided to try a long Distnace Relationship....12000 miles away)...well I came back early by about a month I only spent maybe two weeks in the US. That month that Ispent with Karen was fantastic....I won't go into details.....(not really going into to much detail about anythign really) Well I left for Savannah to start my new chapter of my life I was a film major.
Those first 2 months were the hardest of my life..I was away from the one I loved...i was in a new school making new friends. karen and I ended up breaking up...and i was datuing another girl whe nI returned back to thailand.....Once i got back the first perso nI saw was Karen (the rest of the guys were coming fairly son so I was excited to see most of them)...somethign hit me I missed her a lot....we ended up going to dinner and there she broke dow ncrying saying she couldn't do this...i asked her what she was talking about....She said seeing you again was the hardest thing she had ever experienced,,,I agreed....anyways that Night we kissed goodbye (I was still dating the girl in Savannah) I realized that I couldn't see the girl in Savannah so I called her up the next day and told her the situation (she took it well and was thankful I was so honest) So we broke up...and Karen and I got back together...(that would be my only case of cheating was that one kiss with Karen)
hmm well I will continue this story later on.....I must go cook dinner now hehe
Well I spent my Highschool years in Bangkok Thailand. It was for sure a great time. One of the first people I met was my best Friend Jon (whom now lives in Wisconsin). He lived near me, and we talked with each other on our way home. anyways For the most part freshman year was fairly tame. We had a group of friends that was about 8 people not to large not to small all 14-15 year old were we all dorks. Jon and I being the two wild ones of the group went so far as to sneak out and get drunk downtown.

Sophomore year was interesting....basically out group of friends shot up from 8 to about was this year that the rest of the guys came around to the wonders of going out and getting of the insanity (10 15-16 year old kids going out getting drunk as shit) We thought we were all the shit. For the most part our days started wit the end of school we 'd all go to my friend Mike's house Basically play video games and eat his food.
Junior year things changed I become really reclusive and girls started hanging out with the group so we suddenly went from 13 to about 20 people. I also started dating girls this year (late yes I was 17) hmm the first one was this girl Juls we dated about a week. next one was a close friend of mine Sam...we got together on a school trip to Italy...hmm This was also the last year I was going to be spending with my Friend Kirk....(Kirk Moved to Germany at the end of this year, then moved back to THailand after we had all graduated....then he went to Canada for a year met some his silly ass is back in Thailand) The relationship I had wit hSam was good for the most part...but we hit some rocks and basically broke up for a silly reason....she didn't call me and I didn't call her enough hehe stupid high school kids. It was also on this trip to Italy that I met another gir l Iwould date later that friend Kelley a freshman at my school. We dated for about 2 and half was really good and we broke up because well besically the summer break (came back to the US she went to thwe Boston area for about a month.....that month killed the relatonsip) We kinda stopped talking at taht...but before i get to my Senior year...I also started Kung-fu this year...which is were I met a girl named Karen whom become my instant best friend...I was dating Kelley and Karen was in between's funny because i was trying to decide which one i wanted t odate..Kelley or Karen I decided on Karen become my friend hehe. My best memory of that year was a house party my friend Busby lasted three days....drunk, stoned, and anything else we could find to do. Hehe I remember I showed up kinda late ( was out with Kelley) the First day....bascially stayed there until monday morning.....each night I wold leave for about an hour or so and meet up with Kelley at the park. kelley left monday morning for the states....which was basically the end of our relationship and the end of my junior year.
Anyways Senior year comes around Over the summer Kelley and i broke up and I was pretty hurt by it. My Friends were supportive for me. I was drinking a lot then I continued wit hKung-fu though and my friend Czerski actaully moved into my house his parents moved to south Carolina and he wanted to stay in thailand to finish his HS with hsi my parents offered to have him sta with he was that fun..late nights smoking and drinking on one of the porches in my house, just talking about everything.
One November 10th I was working late on the yearbook with Karen I was the design editor she was a photographer. The Teacher had given me a key to the yearbook room which was also the photo room. Well I had been drinking quite a bit and I decided that I was gonna go into the dark room..I offered to Karen to join me so she did. We went in, complete darkness...laughing and trying to find our way some point she tripped and I caught her...all of the sudden we started kissing. The Next day I asked her out and she said a since that was the beginning of the end for the group of guys. Jon was dating Kim, I was dating Karen, (she was only a sophomore by the way. Daum and Ben were dating two girls (hard to say because they filfloped a lot) I spent the majority of my time with Karen and Czerski oh czerski was also dating my next door neighbor Jenna......we made a local bar Floaters ( a resturant/bar that is over looking a pond that has huge Fish talking like 2 foot long catfish) Then well I graduated....I still have a great picture of myself, Jon and Czerski with the Prinicpal...hmm I sohuld scan it and put it up hehe.
Jon and I had grown apart by this fact it I grew apart from the rest of the guys as well..... After graduation we all went out but i was thinking about Karen all night. ( he had basically become insepreable) a few nights later I realized that I had forgotten the friendships I had made of the past I called the guys up and we had one last night out Boys night out.....It was the last time all of us would be together. sJon was the first to leave...I remember calling Jon the night he was leaving and asking him out to a pool near my house.....there we just sat and talked for about 5 hours....we hugged and cried a bit and he left.....I sat there at the pool for another 2 hours just thinking about the past couple of years. I left soon after, but since i my school didn't start until mid september I was gonna come back for two weeks and spend time with Karen ( we had decided to try a long Distnace Relationship....12000 miles away)...well I came back early by about a month I only spent maybe two weeks in the US. That month that Ispent with Karen was fantastic....I won't go into details.....(not really going into to much detail about anythign really) Well I left for Savannah to start my new chapter of my life I was a film major.
Those first 2 months were the hardest of my life..I was away from the one I loved...i was in a new school making new friends. karen and I ended up breaking up...and i was datuing another girl whe nI returned back to thailand.....Once i got back the first perso nI saw was Karen (the rest of the guys were coming fairly son so I was excited to see most of them)...somethign hit me I missed her a lot....we ended up going to dinner and there she broke dow ncrying saying she couldn't do this...i asked her what she was talking about....She said seeing you again was the hardest thing she had ever experienced,,,I agreed....anyways that Night we kissed goodbye (I was still dating the girl in Savannah) I realized that I couldn't see the girl in Savannah so I called her up the next day and told her the situation (she took it well and was thankful I was so honest) So we broke up...and Karen and I got back together...(that would be my only case of cheating was that one kiss with Karen)
hmm well I will continue this story later on.....I must go cook dinner now hehe
interesting journal entry...seems like you've been thru some stuff!