Well things are looking up i suppose. After about 6 months of set backs and fuck overs I guess someone decided that i can have a break.
First off the kid is doing great, Seems to be really health despite the mother and her health issues, he's actually almost a pound over the expected weight for his age in the womb. Three months two go, man does time fly by. I'm getting more and more excited each day. It's been an interesting experience thus far, and i'm sure it will only get better.
On another note i have a job, It's exactly what i was looking for, something easy. That's what i got, working at a speedway as a shift leader, I just don't see how it's going to be hard. The reason why I wanted something easy is because 1) kid coming 2) I'm most likely not going to be in Ohio by the end of the year see this is the good news. That Patch knows, because i've talked to him about it. A couple of weeks ago i was talking to my buddy down in Columbia South Carolina, about the job situation and the fact that The police academies here in Dayton have a long ass waiting list. So Czerski being the cool friend called his dad who is fairly high up in the DEA with lots of police connections. Well turns out that Coulmbia Police Department are hurting for people right now....Yay! so Czerski got a number for me and I called the guy I only talked to him briefly but I'm suppose to call him sometime next week. He's very interested in having me come down there, do some intial testing which is not very hard. I told him about the baby situation and that i want to be up here for the birth, and a few months afterwards just to make sure things are okay. He said that would be fine, since they have a constant hiring going on.
So I'm thinking a September date would be a great date to start the hiring process. Now you might think but what about your baby, okay well I thought about it and to be honest I think this is the best thing for the kid in a since that i'll be able to provide a better life for him, doing what i've been wanting to do. In between the move and now I'll work an easy job, save up some cash. Plus after 2-4 years maybe i'll transfer up here to Dayton, so instead of waiting around trying to get in an academy I go there and work for a police department, this way i'll have experience and will most likely get hired faster then someone coming straight from the Academy, if memory serves me right my cousin went about a year without finding a position due to an influx of experienced Officers transfering here. Oh another thing is that the scedule for work down there is pretty kick ass so i can be up here with the baby fairly often....i Don't see a reason not to do this really it makes the most sense to me.
So we shall see how things go in the next couple of months, maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel
How the hell is everyone else doing? I hope everyone is enjoying the weather as much as possible. Thank god for spring.
First off the kid is doing great, Seems to be really health despite the mother and her health issues, he's actually almost a pound over the expected weight for his age in the womb. Three months two go, man does time fly by. I'm getting more and more excited each day. It's been an interesting experience thus far, and i'm sure it will only get better.
On another note i have a job, It's exactly what i was looking for, something easy. That's what i got, working at a speedway as a shift leader, I just don't see how it's going to be hard. The reason why I wanted something easy is because 1) kid coming 2) I'm most likely not going to be in Ohio by the end of the year see this is the good news. That Patch knows, because i've talked to him about it. A couple of weeks ago i was talking to my buddy down in Columbia South Carolina, about the job situation and the fact that The police academies here in Dayton have a long ass waiting list. So Czerski being the cool friend called his dad who is fairly high up in the DEA with lots of police connections. Well turns out that Coulmbia Police Department are hurting for people right now....Yay! so Czerski got a number for me and I called the guy I only talked to him briefly but I'm suppose to call him sometime next week. He's very interested in having me come down there, do some intial testing which is not very hard. I told him about the baby situation and that i want to be up here for the birth, and a few months afterwards just to make sure things are okay. He said that would be fine, since they have a constant hiring going on.
So I'm thinking a September date would be a great date to start the hiring process. Now you might think but what about your baby, okay well I thought about it and to be honest I think this is the best thing for the kid in a since that i'll be able to provide a better life for him, doing what i've been wanting to do. In between the move and now I'll work an easy job, save up some cash. Plus after 2-4 years maybe i'll transfer up here to Dayton, so instead of waiting around trying to get in an academy I go there and work for a police department, this way i'll have experience and will most likely get hired faster then someone coming straight from the Academy, if memory serves me right my cousin went about a year without finding a position due to an influx of experienced Officers transfering here. Oh another thing is that the scedule for work down there is pretty kick ass so i can be up here with the baby fairly often....i Don't see a reason not to do this really it makes the most sense to me.
So we shall see how things go in the next couple of months, maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel
How the hell is everyone else doing? I hope everyone is enjoying the weather as much as possible. Thank god for spring.

Well that is great news, I'm glad things are going good, it sounds like you will get to do the kind of work you wanted to do a lot sooner then you were thinking.
That really does sound like that is the best thing for both you and the baby.
It is so cold today, but the last couple of days were nice.