well kiddies
hmm kiddies i feel like i can say that these days just because of the huge influx of 18 yr olds i've seen recently...i mean that in all aspects, i've seen 30 yr olds act like 18 yrs trying to get laid at prom...it's really quite amusing. The idea and thoughts that cross some peoples minds....lets just say i'm not surprised that the darwin awards are here. Seriously, Ok this is a porn site, many many many people pay to enjoy the lovely flesh of the woman body...i'm a huge fan of boobs, tits, ass, vagina, and everything in between, i could probably find a way to amuse myself for hours just tracing my fingers along a womans body........
I'm not old school on this site, shit i joined back in 2004 June i think, so i'm going on four years, however i joined right when this site was getting popular. I stayed because of the friendship's i made and the ability to every now and then get out and actually do something. I left the site in Jan 06 and joined back up in Jan or 08.....wow have things changed...not just the site but the groups...i find it funny and saddening
Oh man there is nothing going on in my city, my local sg group is dead, no one wants to do anything...ok dumbass how about your organize something, do something fucking silly do something outlandish, figure something out talk to people. Maybe i'm getting older or maybe people are gettiing more and more boring, and lazy. Seems like everyone wants them handed things to do...yet when things are given to them they are like oh i can't do that i don't have the money......join the club
whatever i'm getting side tracked here
basically the jist is that i joined originally for the T&A but later i remained a member because of the people i met, the community it seems lost now, and maybe I'm to blame for not being more proactive and not organizing events, but i have a damn good reason for it.
Drama gets you no where, drama does nothing but piss you off yet the human race is drawn to it.....fuck it all
You have one life to live and that is it, Jesus isn't coming to save you, satan is not coming to save you, Buddha is not coming to save you, You can only save yourself, every action you take is a choice not a destiny.
i my sound furious but i'm not i'm laughing at it all,
beyond all of that things are going well, had a great time with my two best buddies, quite the drink fest however that's not all we did...it was nice to see them all again. Baby is doing well in fact
The most amazing thing i've ever seen
hmm kiddies i feel like i can say that these days just because of the huge influx of 18 yr olds i've seen recently...i mean that in all aspects, i've seen 30 yr olds act like 18 yrs trying to get laid at prom...it's really quite amusing. The idea and thoughts that cross some peoples minds....lets just say i'm not surprised that the darwin awards are here. Seriously, Ok this is a porn site, many many many people pay to enjoy the lovely flesh of the woman body...i'm a huge fan of boobs, tits, ass, vagina, and everything in between, i could probably find a way to amuse myself for hours just tracing my fingers along a womans body........
I'm not old school on this site, shit i joined back in 2004 June i think, so i'm going on four years, however i joined right when this site was getting popular. I stayed because of the friendship's i made and the ability to every now and then get out and actually do something. I left the site in Jan 06 and joined back up in Jan or 08.....wow have things changed...not just the site but the groups...i find it funny and saddening
Oh man there is nothing going on in my city, my local sg group is dead, no one wants to do anything...ok dumbass how about your organize something, do something fucking silly do something outlandish, figure something out talk to people. Maybe i'm getting older or maybe people are gettiing more and more boring, and lazy. Seems like everyone wants them handed things to do...yet when things are given to them they are like oh i can't do that i don't have the money......join the club
whatever i'm getting side tracked here
basically the jist is that i joined originally for the T&A but later i remained a member because of the people i met, the community it seems lost now, and maybe I'm to blame for not being more proactive and not organizing events, but i have a damn good reason for it.
Drama gets you no where, drama does nothing but piss you off yet the human race is drawn to it.....fuck it all
You have one life to live and that is it, Jesus isn't coming to save you, satan is not coming to save you, Buddha is not coming to save you, You can only save yourself, every action you take is a choice not a destiny.
i my sound furious but i'm not i'm laughing at it all,
beyond all of that things are going well, had a great time with my two best buddies, quite the drink fest however that's not all we did...it was nice to see them all again. Baby is doing well in fact

The most amazing thing i've ever seen
I just looked through some of your pics....I am Antonio....lets make babies.