Observations from a moving van

* It's much easier to clean a house if you have a bottle of red wine and to drink while you're doing it.
* Judgemental people hate to be told they are judgemental.
* If you don't ask for something to be done, don't be suprised when it isn't done.
* People often mistake apathy for open-mindedness.
Random interjection:

I have been told by some people that you are clever and know many things about stuff.

I'm looking to learn more about the linux beast, and my iBook. My knowledge about both is more than a little limited. Might I ask your incredible brain what it recomend as a starting point, especially in reference to books? There is a vast plethora of information out there, and I suspect that some of it is very bad.

[Edited on Aug 09, 2005 3:54PM]
omg! i thought that was your head in your profile pic hehehe biggrin
"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do."
Michael Bay On "Transformers" Progress

During Michael Bay's recent select press screening of 45 minutes of "The Island", Now Playing Magazine got to chat with him personally for a brief moment and their reporter, that spunky Cuban cucamanga Eric Moro, got the inside goss on how the "Transformers" film is progressing:

"He is signed, sealed, and practically delivered to direct The Transformers. The deal is...
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I was on the train this morning reading a book, and the guy sitting next to me kept looking at my book trying to read it.

I'm not sure how interesting he found 'The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam' because he stop trying to look at the book after a couple of minutes.

I was sitting at work, minding my own business, and one of my feet become itch. I kicked of my shoe, and gave it well deserved scratch with my other foot. Feeling all free and easy, I kicked off my other shoe and decided to walk around in my socks.

About 15 minutes later, I walked over to N's desk to discuss some work...
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This is what I wake up to this morning:

ISP raided in bittorrent crackdown
Another article...
Discussion about it

From memory, this is not the first time that particular ISP hs been raided. My last employer (a large ISP) was also raided a little over a year ago, but for Kazaa not bittorrent. The MIPI seemed to be confused about the whole 'ISPs as a...
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I wussed out, and ended up going to work - it wasn't so bad, we just had a group discussion along the lines of 'is there anything on the network that we (The Company) could get in trouble for? No? Good'.

And that, thankfully, was it.
I'm glad that work wasn't any more stressful than it useually is for you, just cause of this stupidity.

♥ shannon

[Edited on Mar 12, 2005 12:50AM]
Serious confession time

Recently, I've been listening to country music. A lot. And really enjoying it.

I think I need help. Please someone stop me before I start boot-scooting.
I don't give a shit what anybody says. Skinny guys never really were 'in'. I'm walking and talking proof of this. Some skinny guy probably started the rumor.
That was the first I'd heard about this CSC business. I must confess, I find it more than a little troubling.

All styles of music have some merit. And boot-scooting is perfectly acceptable, if you pierce your tonails. And don't bootscoot.

[Edited on Mar 11, 2005 1:52AM]