I think I might go to Maryland for their renaissance festival, so if anyone is in Maryland let me know.
Work gets worse every week, Im going to dance a jig in the parking lot when I quit!
My roommate is an alcoholic, like a real one, he doesnt go out and party with his friends, he just gets drunk at the house every night by himself, I feel sorry for him, he wants to go back to school, but I dont think he can like this.
i've come to realize that people now a days never want to do anything unless they are the ones making the plans, they want to be in control, want to make it easy on them, when you are the one who comes up with the idea no go, i'm pretty tired of that.
I drove to Tennessee last weekend to see my friends band play at a Celtic music festival, I love those girls!
this is my new Nikon D700

Work gets worse every week, Im going to dance a jig in the parking lot when I quit!
My roommate is an alcoholic, like a real one, he doesnt go out and party with his friends, he just gets drunk at the house every night by himself, I feel sorry for him, he wants to go back to school, but I dont think he can like this.
i've come to realize that people now a days never want to do anything unless they are the ones making the plans, they want to be in control, want to make it easy on them, when you are the one who comes up with the idea no go, i'm pretty tired of that.
I drove to Tennessee last weekend to see my friends band play at a Celtic music festival, I love those girls!
this is my new Nikon D700


Hey! I'm good, getting used to enjoying Fall without any school, haha. I started working at the Nicholasville store, but I'm transferring back to the Hamburg store as of this Friday. I stopped working in Pet care. I'm a dog trainer now and I am LOVING it! How are things with you? I kind of disappeared off the map, didn't I?

Thanks hon