So there is a pretty good lot of stuff gong on in the next 4 or so months, but I will just give you some of it.
On February 2 in Louisville KY slayer, Megadeath and Testament will be performing, Im going to try my best to go to that show.
On April 4th 2010 Henry Rollins is going to be doing his spoken word at Busters in Lexington KY, how cool is that Henry Rollins will be in walking distance of my house.
Busters is really become a place that bands are wanting to come to, I have been to a lot of great venues in a lot of great cities and Busters is right up there at the top of some of the very best I have been to, best sound quality, one of the best stages, it has a lot of space and is in a 160 year old warehouse, so it has a lot of character.
Im going to try to see Camelot at the Lexington Opera house in February and maybe Beauty and the beast in May.
Im hopping to quit my job next year, but first I want to get a lone to buy a house and I want to use my vacation days to take a trip to Europe, or maybe some where else, who wants me to come and visit them?
Im also going to finally get my business started since Im now out of debt.
Im excited about Christmas, I love Christmas shopping
I want a dog really bad, I cant wait to get a house.
On February 2 in Louisville KY slayer, Megadeath and Testament will be performing, Im going to try my best to go to that show.
On April 4th 2010 Henry Rollins is going to be doing his spoken word at Busters in Lexington KY, how cool is that Henry Rollins will be in walking distance of my house.
Busters is really become a place that bands are wanting to come to, I have been to a lot of great venues in a lot of great cities and Busters is right up there at the top of some of the very best I have been to, best sound quality, one of the best stages, it has a lot of space and is in a 160 year old warehouse, so it has a lot of character.
Im going to try to see Camelot at the Lexington Opera house in February and maybe Beauty and the beast in May.
Im hopping to quit my job next year, but first I want to get a lone to buy a house and I want to use my vacation days to take a trip to Europe, or maybe some where else, who wants me to come and visit them?
Im also going to finally get my business started since Im now out of debt.
Im excited about Christmas, I love Christmas shopping

I want a dog really bad, I cant wait to get a house.
grazie muah!
yeah, im not gonna get anything, i just have my mom and dad, they both gave me money for xmas when i went to the uk, instead of buying me gifts i bought them gifts.
its more important to me that theyre happy than myself, you know?!
the city i live in right now is kinda cute and really old, but i dont know after almost a year of living here, im bored by it and it makes me miss los angeles even more. arrrgh!