Dust Bunny won pet of the week, but you can keep voting for him to make him like the most popular pet ever.
Starting my own business.
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As some of you may know I have my BFA in photography and as some of you may know I have an Epson 9600 print engine that can print photos up to almost 4 feet tall, I have had it for about 3 years and have not done a lot with it, well I have been saying that I wanted to start a printing business for photographers who wanted photos bigger then 17 inches, well my planes are underway, I have been trying my best to improve my printing skills, I bought a book that has been very helpful and am planning on doing more research, I have been sitting down and trying to put together a better plan how to go about this, after I move it is going to be a lot easer because I'm not going to have to have as much money for rent, so I hope by the end of January to have my printing business set up and will be doing my photography on the side.
Best time I have had in a long time.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)So my best friend, who I have been talking about for a long time, ask if I wanted to go to the Drowning pool show with them, it was going to be just me, her, her ex and her ex's brother, this would be the first time I got to hang out with her with out her boyfriend in a long time. So the show was this past Tuesday, I was going to have to leave work half way though the day and take points because there was no vacation days open, well we got there and our boss said we could go home if we wanted to because they didn't have any work (I sure got lucky on that one) so I went home and around 710 I was out her house, we just sat around and I got to play with her puppies and her new little black kitty. We left, got there and watched the first band, then me and my best friend went out side and just talked for an hr then went inside for a little bit (the band sucked) we went back outside and talked some more and then when Drowning Pool came on we watched most of there show (they put on a great show) but we didn't watch the whole show, she started thinking about her brother so we went out side and talked, it started poring the rain and we got so wet. By the time we started back it had pretty much stopped raining, but anyway it was a very simply time but just sitting there talking make it so much fun.
Moving soon, I can't wait to get away from the crack heads.
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Well on the 27 I will be moving into my new house, I'm pretty excited, I will miss the people that live around me, but I will not miss my small ass apartment, nor will I miss living in the ghetto, see the place that my landlord owns is pretty nice and everyone that lives here is super cool, but step foot off of the property and your in the ghetto, there are so many nights that I would be walking back from the bar and getting people trying to get money off of me, and I don't walk down to the pizza place and bring back a pizza any more because I would hear people yelling from there porch "hay let me get a slice of that before you go", I use to be the kind of person that would always give people money who ask for it but getting scammed out of $147 and having people always asking for money has made me a little harder, I had a fucking lady knock on my door asking for money and when I offered to make her some food she said can I just have some money, I gave her like some change, the next time she came knocking at like 2 am I didn't even open the door, I will not give these people my money I have to work hard for so they can buy drugs, sorry if that sounds hard but I have given way to much of my money away.
So next weekend is my birthday, I'm going to have a big cook out and party on Saturday (that's the 19th) it would be so nice if at least 1 person from SG would show up.
You need to feel comfortable where your living. You can not control other peoples drug habits. The need to help themselves.