Well, on to day 2 here in London. Yesterday was awesome. I got to Harriet's place all excited and we went on a bit of a walk around the city before she had to go to work. After that I went to the British Museum since it was pissing rain and not fun to be outside. The egyptian antiquities were amazing! After wandering about a bit more I met Harriet after work and we went for a drink, then went home and a couple of dudes she knew came over for dinner. We had lasagna and it was very yummy. Between lively discussion and eating the 4 of us polished of 5 bottes of wine and were working into the port when I realized that I'd been awake for the past 33 hours, which must be close to a record for me. In any case, I crashed hard and now here I am, after a 9 hour sleep, feeling great! Now I'm off to get more calluses on my feet walking around the National Gallery. It's gonna rock! You'll hear from me again tomorrw, I promise!

I'm glad you're having fun. Did you get my UPS/Cable/poo email?
sounds like you're having fun!