anyone who knows me know I've been wanting to switch from PC to Mac for a long time, almos since I bought this PC laptop i'm now cursed with. Anyways. Since i got my iPod last year I've wanted one even more, and I've been buying all kinds of Apple produces, such as an iPod for colette, and an Airport Express for our little network, and a Mighty mouse when mine crapped out. I'm saving up for a new MacBook with a 20" Cinema Display for photo editing, but in the meantime I got a deal I couldn't pass up, i got a cool little used iBook!
It's only a year old and has an 80gb hard drive and the RAM is maxed to 1.25GB. The sucka I bought it from in Montreal only wanted $800 for it! I paid more for my 60GB iPod photo last year! I'm really excited, and when I get me a wicked MacBook system, I can give this little guy to Colette and sell that dad-blasted PC, hurrah!

It's only a year old and has an 80gb hard drive and the RAM is maxed to 1.25GB. The sucka I bought it from in Montreal only wanted $800 for it! I paid more for my 60GB iPod photo last year! I'm really excited, and when I get me a wicked MacBook system, I can give this little guy to Colette and sell that dad-blasted PC, hurrah!
I luv the eMac I have at home, but I'm cursed with a Toshiba laptop and an older Win XP system at the studio.
someday, when I win the lotto, I'll throw away all that windows junk....