seems like it's been a while since I've updated. i've been pretty busy! Today I get to shoot a wedding, so that's pretty exciting, even though I'm a bit nervous... Me and colette have the use of the car right now, so i've been driving around quite a bit, checking shit out, doing some random shooting. Finally done product shots for my Dad's website so that's a big relief.
Colette's Paper moon show at Dylan's Friday went really well. I'm very proud of her, she's coming right along!
Colette's Paper moon show at Dylan's Friday went really well. I'm very proud of her, she's coming right along!
i've always been curious about wedding shooting etiquette. either the bride and groom are pissed that you're not taking enough pictures, or the minister is pissed that you're getting in the way
how did it go?

so i have to go around apologizing to people because i haven't logged in in over 3 months or so i swear, i thought i had been too poor to pay but i guess i've just been paying without realizing haha. anyways sorry i didn't get to make it out to the wpg sg get together, i will definitely come out if theres another one sometime.