10 things you probably didn't know about me. From @missy & @rambo. I usually miss these blogs so mine is later...
1. I get hiccups a lot. Sometimes 3 or more times a day.
2. Both my thumbs are double jointed.
3. I like animals more than people.
4. I am a pacifist. But I know how to use a gun.
5. I'm afraid of heights & spiders. Though wish I could get over both.
6. My first concert was Aerosmith and Cheap Trick.
7. Until I was 10 I lived on a apple farm. We made cider.
8. I don't want children.
9. I don't wear make up, unless someone does it for me for a photoshoot.
10. I don't like/watch horror movies. I get scared easily & my imagination comes up with enough messed up stuff on it's own.
Hope you are all having an excellent weekend. My man & I took our kitties out for & found a nice little garter snake. It was very calm about being picked up and petted before we put it back it the grass.
I need to find a second job for the summer. Mer.