it rained the other moring. i got so excited when i heard it against the window i almost ran outside naked. then realised i have neighbors with small children that might object. put on a dress & stod outside. the cold drops falling & dripping down my bare shoulders & back. & the smell of wet grass. Molly, our cat, soon found me & picked her up when she rubed against my legs, letting her nuzzle under my hair & lick my fingers with her sandpaper tongue. rained all day & fell asleep to the sound of it against my window & the distant rumbles of thunder.
its bright & sunny out today. i find rainy days suit my mood better usually. the brightness seems to hurt my eyes anymore & make me feel dull & tierd. im more relaxed & comfortable when its dark & cloudy. the outside matches my insides & i fit in.
I am very sorry that your parents have to be to closed minded. I admire it and respect you for it. Their is the beauty of your body, but that is part of the beauty of who you are. Your personality, your spirit. That is the most important thing.
I like showes and I love scuba diving. However I hate to be splashed, rained on, or spritzed.
Their are some that grow so big their owners feed them rabbits. you are a beautiful person with a good mind. I know you will figure out what is right for you.
I can understand that. It all makes a lot of difference.
yeah gees, I do not even want to think about that. you one upped me there.
Yeah they get expensive for one and I do not know you well enough yet, but I do not imagine you feeding it bunnies and taking it well.
I can see where you find beauty and disgust. perhaps that is what it is suppose to do. I just want to ask her if she is okay and if she needs a bath.