Not much to say today...I've been kind of stressed and depressed lately. I'm adding a new favorite SG to my list. Let me know who you like and we'll see the favorite of all my friends and she'll become my "friends' choice favorite" (Slot 5).
However, you are still legal at 18, and I will make an exception for you. Let's just see if hurricanes do not devestate like last year (already three times bitten, fourth shy). If all is well, I will attempt to pull it off in September. You would only be a month away from 21. Close enough.
I still have not heard back from Epitaph. I hope we can have the SG DVD screening the first weekend in Sept!
We'll see... Lizzie Love
im kidding...Marie is very hot! and quinne is perfect.
by the way...HELLO, NEW FRIEND!