Finally a true update. I put it in spoilers because it's a lot to read and I'm giving you the option. I did add a lot of pictures of my weekends and some more. I added Pics of my pink stuff, some science, and pics from the boy and I's attempt at making Dolmades.
New Options from my 'rents: either get 2 roommates or move into a 1-bedroom and they pay 1/2 my rent.
New Options from my 'rents: either get 2 roommates or move into a 1-bedroom and they pay 1/2 my rent.
Now a more recent update.......
I had an idea for a new tattoo so the boy drew the idea on me.....I'm thinking concellations that complement my shape and maybe add a planet or other space things. What do you think? (excuse the drawing it was a rush job)
And here it is in solarize and negative art thanks to my camera:
(BTW-James is NoSaint and Ian is Airwolf)
HI>>>I don't want to rain on your parade but you asked for comments on your potential tat. Well I really think that it will distort over time. the angle and placement doesn't fit your physique. If you ever have children, it will really go out of whack...sorry
Wow that second pic pwnz. I dont think you should put planets though a mythical figure like a unicorn or pegasus perhaps.