I really want to party but tests and class hinder that. I need to get laid, I'm so angsty and that makes me less horny and blah blah blah.....point being need to get laid so I'm not so uptight. It really does calm me the fuck down.

I really want to go skating b/c I haven't been in years and it's not only fun but good exercise. I might get tattooed by corpsegrinder soon.
Good Things are happening today. (Hopefully)
Yesterday, the boy and I went out for seafood. Then to the mall where I finally got my "Cry Baby" Soundtrack. I listened to it on the way home and on the way to the gym. Got hit on at the gym---kinda a funny way too.
I think I officially have new roommates, but one is only staying a month or so, so I still need to be on the hunt.
I had the weirdest two dreams intertwined last night. In one I was getting married and someone tried to stop me (the ring was gorgeous). In the other, I was chased by a super villian. It was a car chase and the road was far from normal (Straight down plummets to sharp curves), but I must say I heald my own. Then the dream ended by someone giving me a choice to either leave my happy dream world or to stay and enjoy myself. I mumbled something about having to wake up soon and opened the book to leaving dream world. As soon as I opened the book I woke up in my bed and said...well that worked. I'm serious it was the coolest thing ever.
Well I'm off to my busy day, I wish you luck in yours.
In his arms, I can feel no pain. He takes all the hurt away and keeps those who hurt me at bay. As I lay in his arms, he takes away my pain but when he's gone will the pain resurrect.
I told you everything, Opened up and let you in....Swallow me then spit me out, For hating you I blame myself, Seeing you it kills me now, No I don't cry on the outside
Well you couldn't be that man I adored, you don't seem to know or seem to care what your heart is for, I don't know him anymore. There's nothing where he used to lie, the coversation has run dry, that's what's goin' on, nothings fine I'm torn, I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel.