And it continues.....
I had a blast this weekend from sushi and a movie with the boy to hanging out and going to IBar with the hot girls of SGFL (even though we almost got in a fight with 3 guys on the dancefloor).
I also made my appointment with Marvin Vigil at Chrome Lotus to get my stocking seems done on Good Friday. I will be getting thin lines like these on Emylou:
With toppers that are Cherries--one that's a devil cherry on one leg and one that's an angel cherry on the other leg. This will give you an idea even though I want my angel wings to be Frank Miller style and the devil cherry's tail to wrap around my leg (to be added to another project at a later date).
Wish me luck.
As far as what I made for the boys birthday last month......Curry Chicken using a recipe from my boss who is Jamaican. Take a look:
Good times with new friends and old ones.
I love the shoes, jeans, and dresses on this site:Pin-Up girl Clothes and Shoes
Check 'em out you won't regret it
Hope you liked all the pics. I'm off to finish my homework.
Q: What are the plans for your next Tattoo? Any advice for me on my next one?
Next morninig edit: I hate dreaming about snakes, Rose McGawon, and Matt Damon although he was a sweetheart about taking care of me when I was in danger. My Grandma always told me that dreaming on snakes meant someone was out to do you wrong so I guess I need to watch my back for who is trying to screw me over.
I'm also past my Registration Date (probably a few days) for my last 2 Semesters of college but I can't register until I pay a bogus UCF ticket (It's bogus b/c they gave me the same ticket within a 7 Day period). I fucking hate you UCF. Off to apply for a loan for the summer sometime today.
Exactly the same as my extensions except different hair type and color..................HOTT
Fucking hott...have had this done to me
This ia one hott girl on girl set.
P.S. I have this crush on this sexy girl I know. She's not on SG but I might let you see a pic sometime if you ask nice.
I had a blast this weekend from sushi and a movie with the boy to hanging out and going to IBar with the hot girls of SGFL (even though we almost got in a fight with 3 guys on the dancefloor).
I also made my appointment with Marvin Vigil at Chrome Lotus to get my stocking seems done on Good Friday. I will be getting thin lines like these on Emylou:
With toppers that are Cherries--one that's a devil cherry on one leg and one that's an angel cherry on the other leg. This will give you an idea even though I want my angel wings to be Frank Miller style and the devil cherry's tail to wrap around my leg (to be added to another project at a later date).
Wish me luck.
As far as what I made for the boys birthday last month......Curry Chicken using a recipe from my boss who is Jamaican. Take a look:
Good times with new friends and old ones.
I love the shoes, jeans, and dresses on this site:Pin-Up girl Clothes and Shoes
Check 'em out you won't regret it
Hope you liked all the pics. I'm off to finish my homework.
Q: What are the plans for your next Tattoo? Any advice for me on my next one?
Next morninig edit: I hate dreaming about snakes, Rose McGawon, and Matt Damon although he was a sweetheart about taking care of me when I was in danger. My Grandma always told me that dreaming on snakes meant someone was out to do you wrong so I guess I need to watch my back for who is trying to screw me over.
Exactly the same as my extensions except different hair type and color..................HOTT
Fucking hott...have had this done to me
P.S. I have this crush on this sexy girl I know. She's not on SG but I might let you see a pic sometime if you ask nice.
Back off, she's mine! LOL .... I think I have a crush on her too.
Mmm...sushi...I think I'm gonna go have that for lunch! ![smile](