Like my cartoon of me?
Finals are over and I'm relieved yet nervous.
I have made a decision on Bellydancing. I will re-start in Mid to late January '06 thanks to the influence of the Beautiful and talented Abby (formally Belleza). Then I will not only be doing something that I love but also staying fit at the same time.
Busy weekend ahead of me. I must clean my house tonight and tommorow
I think one of my nipple rings might be infected
Now for the sea salt soaks which work so well but are so tedious. (i.e. holding a warm cup a sea salt and water over your nipple for several minutes a few times a day)
Finals are over and I'm relieved yet nervous.
I have made a decision on Bellydancing. I will re-start in Mid to late January '06 thanks to the influence of the Beautiful and talented Abby (formally Belleza). Then I will not only be doing something that I love but also staying fit at the same time.
Busy weekend ahead of me. I must clean my house tonight and tommorow

I think one of my nipple rings might be infected

Though perhaps unintentional, I like "What! Get some!" as a quote for my new belt buckle.