Glad you enjoyed my ass. Thank you for the comments. I'll post more pics later this weekend when I take some shower/nudie ones.
I have to get my license back so who ever would like to donate to the "Get Nikkita legal and driving again" fund please let me know. All donations must be monetary or by Debit/Credit Card made to the Orange County Court House.
$20 from the Rev, $180 more to go.
I posted this on my Myspace blog: (Have a nice read, but don't assume)
I love cryptic blogs like someone else on my top 8 [I was referring to my wifey on facebook]....te he. I guess I'll have to post a semi-cryptic one about my life now. Am I talking about you? Maybe.
I hate both my jobs right now. Finals are right around the corner and I'm afraid to peek. I hate stupid boys who will fuck with your lively hood because they can't get what they want from you. I know Karma better be kicking his ass right now......miserable fuck!
On the boy front, I'm more than full so to speak and not in a dirty way. My sex life is not the issues here because that is taken care of. My heart is in a constant battle with my head lately. Why didn't I stay engaged? Maybe I should be husband hunting....any volunteers?lol
The older I get the more I feel like an old maid.....fucking Mother Nature! Part of me wants to be a fiance now and the other part wants to have lots of fun.
Why do you feel for me the way you do? Are you blind? Do you truly see me or what you want?
Do you care about me beyond my rose? Constantly seeing me on my back in your dreams? Glad you revealed but you are still such a mystery to me.
Who will protect me? Who will love me? Who will make me feel secure and safe with love?
I hate money! I need a sugar daddy. I'm taking applications now. Please apply. Job comes with Wow, that sounded really hoeish and very like a gold digger. Trust me I'm not, I'm very independent and have 2 jobs yet wouldn't mind a rich man wining, dining, and spoiling me.
(I ain't sayin' she a gold digger but she ain't messin' with no broke broke unh)
Looking for so much that I can't seem to find. Will you be there when I need you? Drive or call to me when you are lonely or will you find someone else to replace me for even one night in your bed? Show me your hate towards me. I'm not perfect and you aren't giving me anything. Wanting what you can't have typical you are. Cold as liquid nitrogen you can be. Giving me what I don't want....maybe you don't know me.
I am about to make big changes. Be prepared and supportive or get out of my way.
I have to get my license back so who ever would like to donate to the "Get Nikkita legal and driving again" fund please let me know. All donations must be monetary or by Debit/Credit Card made to the Orange County Court House.
$20 from the Rev, $180 more to go.
I posted this on my Myspace blog: (Have a nice read, but don't assume)
I love cryptic blogs like someone else on my top 8 [I was referring to my wifey on facebook]....te he. I guess I'll have to post a semi-cryptic one about my life now. Am I talking about you? Maybe.
I hate both my jobs right now. Finals are right around the corner and I'm afraid to peek. I hate stupid boys who will fuck with your lively hood because they can't get what they want from you. I know Karma better be kicking his ass right now......miserable fuck!
On the boy front, I'm more than full so to speak and not in a dirty way. My sex life is not the issues here because that is taken care of. My heart is in a constant battle with my head lately. Why didn't I stay engaged? Maybe I should be husband hunting....any volunteers?lol
The older I get the more I feel like an old maid.....fucking Mother Nature! Part of me wants to be a fiance now and the other part wants to have lots of fun.
Why do you feel for me the way you do? Are you blind? Do you truly see me or what you want?
Do you care about me beyond my rose? Constantly seeing me on my back in your dreams? Glad you revealed but you are still such a mystery to me.
Who will protect me? Who will love me? Who will make me feel secure and safe with love?
I hate money! I need a sugar daddy. I'm taking applications now. Please apply. Job comes with Wow, that sounded really hoeish and very like a gold digger. Trust me I'm not, I'm very independent and have 2 jobs yet wouldn't mind a rich man wining, dining, and spoiling me.
(I ain't sayin' she a gold digger but she ain't messin' with no broke broke unh)
Looking for so much that I can't seem to find. Will you be there when I need you? Drive or call to me when you are lonely or will you find someone else to replace me for even one night in your bed? Show me your hate towards me. I'm not perfect and you aren't giving me anything. Wanting what you can't have typical you are. Cold as liquid nitrogen you can be. Giving me what I don't want....maybe you don't know me.
I am about to make big changes. Be prepared and supportive or get out of my way.
I volunteer

When you find a sugar daddy, introduce me to one of his friends haha.