I want these.....
Someones get me an gift SG certificate so I can look cute in these
(I'll model it for ya
Anyways, I tried Octopus Sushimi and NO, not my thing.
Working hard at catching up with work and school. Excited about playing the Sims later and I now have a photo album on Facebook. I haven't checked my LiveJournal in weeks. You can also find me on MySpace as Nikki the Kitty or on Facebook.
(looking forward to a nice Friday off of everything!
Someones get me an gift SG certificate so I can look cute in these

Anyways, I tried Octopus Sushimi and NO, not my thing.
Working hard at catching up with work and school. Excited about playing the Sims later and I now have a photo album on Facebook. I haven't checked my LiveJournal in weeks. You can also find me on MySpace as Nikki the Kitty or on Facebook.
(looking forward to a nice Friday off of everything!

youd be sg kitted out :p
we decided not to get rings cause i dont wear jewlery apart form my necklace so we're getting roman numeral tattoos instead of the date and month