Miss @BRUJAJA and @risky made me do it😅
1. Height? 5’7” (and 3/4 for those *really* keeping track)
2. Are you a virgin? HA! Have you *seen* my porn?
3. Do you smoke? I smoked cigarettes a bit when i was younger but now i just smoke weed on occasion
4. Do you drink? Yes, mostly while I'm live-streaming
5. What age do you get mistaken for? Lately I'm mistaken for younger 20's but I'm 30.
6. Any tattoos? Yes! im starting to lose count but its somewhere around 25
6. Any tattoos? Yes! im starting to lose count but its somewhere around 25
7. Any piercings? Ive had to take a lot of them out b/c my body hates piercing but i still have my regular ear piercing, conch, tragus, nipples, clit, nose, and philtrum.
8. Who is your best friend? This is tough, i still keep in touch with my childhood best friend but id say my up to date, knows everything about me, ride or die Bestie has to be Dahlia Von Knight (you can find her on twitter etc)
9. What’s a fact about your personality? Im actually really really shy, which is part of what motivated me to start camming and modeling, i want to get out of my shell.
10. What career did you choose when you were a child? I wanted to be a beautician/hair stylist/cosmetologist. Turns out I have shaky hands and dont have an eye for that sort of thing anyways so luckily i never spent all the money to go to beauty school.
11. Where would you like to be right now? I love SoCal but the US is a mess right now so I'd say something like Costa Rica- my mom has been there several times and is dying to take me there and/or to Spain. *crossing fingers for travel to open up again.