so i'm more broke than i ever thought possible. didnt eat yesterday lol. but i think im gonna get a better job. ill go from fish bitch to 'small animal specialist', get a raise and 40 hours a week. since they scheduled me for two fucking days this week. looks like i might not be eating next week either. makes me miss ohio where i...
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Ahhhh...damn. What part of Ohio were you from? I live out in Michigan. On the border of Toledo. smile
ugh, the shittiest of all shitty moods had consumed me and now i feel like i want to die. well, i wouldn't go that far, but i feel pretty fuckin shitty. at least its like 80 degrees, that makes it hard to be homesick since its like zero back there and snow and all that shittiness.man, shit is the word of the day i guess....
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That sucks, but you can't hate our weather!
just got back from a protest downtown and i'm all pumped. we marched, danced, ran, screamed, chanted, etc, etc. i almost spat in a cops face untill my sister talked me out of it. i almost wish i would have done it, but shes too broke to bail me out anyways. mutherfuck the police.
so my friend laura left today to go back to ohio. it was sad to see her go, but it was time. she was a bad influence on me and phillip because shes a raging alcoholic. we were drinking like ever night almost. not good. other than that i just woke up from my "got back from the airport and im too stoned for my...
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your friend laura sounds like a fun girl! biggrin
Those are my kind of naps
my old friend laura is in town from cleveland! we went down to seaport village and shopping downtown and we're about to go to mexico in a few. good times!
Have fun! smile
we walked. good times
sorry, i've been pretty ghost. busy with work and whatnot. people hitting parked cars, what a mess. ill be back later for elaboration kiss
so hows the new job going? kiss
I know the feeling, ive been pretty busy myself. Hope the new job is going well.
so this morning at four oclock i woke up at 4:30 am and drove mary and justino to the airport. so they're gonna be in ohio all week and i'm gonna be alone in san deigo for the first time frown it's all good though, i'm a big girl, i'm not worried.. i guess frown it might be kinda nice having the whole tiny ass appartment to...
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Oh snap, you got the beetle? I knew you loved that car!
Awesome idea with the zombie full sleeve. I have a graveyard sleeve I started on that will have zombies as well. smile
so christmas turned out to kick so much ass. after i spent most of christmas eve wandering around el cajon by myself crying because i had nowhere else to go, and i wanted to be alone. it was either lock myself in a bathroom or walk around outside. so then we went to justino's parents and ate tamales (sp? im a bad mexican) and drank...
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Sounds awesome, man.

I too was in the depths of despair on Xmas eve and Xmas, but they turned out happy because with all those friends and family around, how could I be sad?smile

We were supposed to get a bong for ourselves for Xmas but spent it on other gifts, so take a nice rip for me while I cough my lungs out over this gravity bongload.

Merry Smokey Christmas biggrin
so, merry day before shitty christmas. i'm going to be following mary and justino around for the next couple days to see all of his family and do all that fun party stuff. which is cool cuz its good mexican food, but its christmas eve. right now i should be cleaning squid and frying smelt! mmmm, squid. oh well. i got my presents from my...
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Merry Christmas smile
damn, finally a day off. the past few days have been crazy. first week at a retail job the week of christmas. other craziness as well. phillip called and wanted to take me out for ice cream on tuesday. and well, basically he broke up with eisha because he wanted to chill with me, and they had been fighting and blah blah blah. so we've...
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