so, merry day before shitty christmas. i'm going to be following mary and justino around for the next couple days to see all of his family and do all that fun party stuff. which is cool cuz its good mexican food, but its christmas eve. right now i should be cleaning squid and frying smelt! mmmm, squid. oh well. i got my presents from my family in the mail yesterday. my mom bought me an ipod mini! which is so unlike her. but of course i can't run it on this shitty old ass computer, but hopefully my buddy tim will help me out with that so i don;t have to spend a shitload of money on windows xp. and i got some cool pink pajama pants with skull and crossbones all over them
and a silver lotus ring that i love, aaannndddd a cool bob shirt that says "the more man smoke herb, the more babylon fall" and all kindsa makeup and fun stuff like that. hopefully mary will get her bitch ass outta bed soon so we can go get the color for our hair. eek mine looks so bad. i hate when i have brown roots with black hair. yuck
Merry Christmas