me and mary are gonna clean the whole house, top to bottom today. as soon as she gets out of bed that is.
i'm gonna turn in another application or two. and friday's better call me back for an interview. i went out yesterday and bought 'invisible' jewlery for my facial peircings. if they have a problem with the cartilidge in my ears they can...
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i cant think of anything to say to you. hehehehehehe, but yeah, im sure we are very simliar. I guess i got lucky because i met someone on SG that just happened to live in SD before i moved down here and she really helped me in ways that no one could begin to understand. everyday is so weird!!! hehehe. but if you ever wanna hang out sometime, (and i know the hardest thing is to make that first phone call, but i did it and it paid off) just give me a ring. im not anymore scary than those zombies. 765 721 1146. i dont expect you to call, but the offer is on the table.
I've been bumpin the new Lateef and the cheif (excell) like it's my job. I suggest you all buy it, immediately.
anyways, i think i may be a hostess at friday's. ew. i hate money.
If you don't want the money, I'll take it...

[Edited on Dec 02, 2004 11:37PM]
tequilla in a little bit. brandon's comming over. still no job. prostitution looks more and more promising as each day passes.
mmmm tequila....
and it was good ARRR!!!
boring day. didn't do too much. put in a few applications, hopefully i'll find a job soon or else i may have to resort to prostitution frown
I was thinking about prostitution ....or one of those "massage parlours"..hey ..you could make some good money ..... wink
Can I partake in your "services" wink
Hehe. J/k
Good luck with the job hunt. smile
so after spending the past couple nights hanging out with him, i've come to the conclusion that jesse's gay. i'm pretty sure, at least. jesse's good people.
our broke asses are doing some hardcore job hunting otmarrow because he's getting thrown out if he doesn't get a job and i just learned that joe will be moving out as soon as i get one,which means...
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11? but we only have 6 tongue
humm, maybe the next litter will be more smile
Fuck a couch? Hell, I'd rather be on a couch than on the floor like I've been sleeping on for the past year+! We've got three couches and a love sack in our house and i sleep on the floor. Go figure. Someday there will be Select Comfort!!!!
I command you all to go see the sponge bob squarepants movie! It was so fucking good! and buy the new dj shadow cd/dvd.
hanging out with jesse as soon as his slow ass gets here already.
what the...how is that even possible?
Cd and a Dvd!! That rules!
I love me some Dj Shadow.
Must buy now!
I wanna see Sponge Bob too.
Ciao for now.
so the birthday turned out really good, aside from the whole finding out my mom has parkinson's disease frown its hard to have a good time after finding out your mom has a chronic, progressive neurological disorder. but she wanted me to have a good birthday, so i just kept tellin myself that and drinking.
the party was good i guess, everyone seemed to have fun....
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well Im glad you had a good b-day even after the pakinsons news...hee hee Im rooting for Shahan too....he seems like a nice guy....but do you like him??? I think you do! biggrin ...well I hope you have a great thanksgiving..... kiss
woah me too. nothing gets me hotter than zombies and girls with short hair. eeek
so yesterday turned out to be pretty eventful. went and saw seed of chucky with my one and only friend (who i met right here), shawn. it was great! but i'm a loser like that.
came home ,went to the beach with mary, justino and shahan (jesus, i hope i spelled that right) and then me and shahan ended up staying up till like 5...
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! tongue
I want to go camping i havent been camping in years...
Happy birthday smile

i spelled happy wrong

[Edited on Nov 23, 2004 8:40PM]
why does california have to be so lonely and depressing? mary and justino were fighting again today (that is my sister and her boyfriend/my roomates). i hate listening to it. its like living with mom and dad all over again. i miss my friends, my family, matt. i knew from the day i met him that i was going to be leaving, so i told...
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it's definately one of the coolest i've ever seen. i haven't gotten a tattoo in like 6 months. i'm fiending for ink like you wouldn't believe. but besides being broke, i dont know where to go around here, theres like places on every corner, but i haven't really had suggestions about where to go or not to go.
i made a promise to myself about a year ago, when i moved out of my parents' house. i will never live with a family member again. well, except maybe my cousin... but that's different. i can't take it! lol
just got back from the club and ooo did i drink a lot of free liquore. brandon was there being all hot, but he got to drunk to dance with me, or care too much that i was all over him. sucks cuz i wouldnt do that normallyu, and normally hes tryin to pull something. jesse was there for like a second, but then i...
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