So today my luvly friend asked what super power would I want if I could have any. So I got to thinking about it. If I could fly that wouldn't be too bad unless I ran in to some bad weather or got attacked by birds. Invisibility would be kewl but only if everything I wore also went invisible. Or if I was carrying a purse it would have to be invisible. Shooting lasers from my eyes would be interesting. But I have a bad temper to I might have trouble controlling it and could cause some unintended damages. Someone could lose a limb. Sitting things on fire with my mind would be pretty convenient. But again with my temper probably not the best. Shooting spaghetti from my fingers could be fun but I could also just cook some. So I was thinking about super powers and laying in bed. I was all comfy but I had to pee so I told her and we agreed we needed to find a way to pee without getting up or peeing on yourself. I came up with a pill that would make pee evaporate the second it left your body. And it would become sanitary and wouldn't have a smell so you didn't have pee air. No one wants pee air. But we decided we weren't smart enough to create that. So I said we'd need a super genius. Then I had my super power. Super genius! It would be great. Then she told me our brown friend also chose that. And if him and I were both super geniuses we'd have the best time. Maybe even have battles. And now I'm sad cuz I know it won't happen. Woo. Pretty long story.
I think I would have to go with psychokinesis. Moving shit with your mind would be awesome!