Wow. I haven't posted since Xmas. Well working two jobs and planning a wedding will do that. Maybe one day I'll have more free time to do more then look at pretty naked girls.
Just wanting to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. NOW GIVE ME PRESENTS!!!
Thanks for loving my set 

I haven't had any difficulties finding pin-up books in Finland.
She saw her from across the room but didn't anknowledge her. Gwenna kept to the side of the speaker blaring the repetative and dark beats. Jenny stared at her from the corner of the smoky room. She lit a cigarette as to contruibute to the ambience. She inhaled and quickly exhaled and made her way through the crowd. She stood to the left of the...
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I believe you might just be right.
Anyhow, thank you for the welcome ^^
Anyhow, thank you for the welcome ^^
"Well you start the process by off-ing yourself and the rest of us will follow soon after. "
Thanks for your moronic comment in the "Hey Dodo" article. Typical Missour(a) unthinking white trash.
Thanks for your moronic comment in the "Hey Dodo" article. Typical Missour(a) unthinking white trash.
What was it that he drew? I can see it unclearly in my head; but all I see are lines, words and a star. Was it a map? I can see it on the bottom of a yellow lined piece of paper. Above the drawing was a poem he wrote for his wife. That's what he did. He wrote poems for his wife, and the...
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I always get picked to watch, too. are you writing a novel?
Vegas: Labor Day Weekend. Be there or be square.
Reality is pure evil. I am totally aganist it. And growing up, fuck that shit. It's boring, and insofar I can't see a point other than to fit in with those around me or to be taken more seriously or something. Lame. I'm ok. I'm betta. I'm a killa.
And I HAAATE tweakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ihatejuice is pretty damn funny. So here is a funny for you.
Yeah mang, I can play tha gueetar!!
Reality is pure evil. I am totally aganist it. And growing up, fuck that shit. It's boring, and insofar I can't see a point other than to fit in with those around me or to be taken more seriously or something. Lame. I'm ok. I'm betta. I'm a killa.
And I HAAATE tweakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ihatejuice is pretty damn funny. So here is a funny for you.

Yeah mang, I can play tha gueetar!!
So we have this REALLY tiny shower but we have a pretty big bathroom. We have lived hear in this house a year now and yesterday Fayd climbed into the shower with me. It was the sweetes couple of moments until we figured out no matter what way we tried we weren't going to be able to do anything. So we hopped out of the...
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Mm. I agree. Not George.
Indoor floods suck ass.
I used to live in a basement ( a "finished" basement, supposedly) and every winter when it rained cats and dogs like it always does in Oregon, the walls would soak and leak and I'd have to slog through a swamp (literally) of carpet and nasty ground water to get to my bed. I spent most of my time sick. 
Indoor floods suck ass.

yes updates are nice things i suppose. I found the Alice kitty this morning after he, she, it went missing last night out an open window. it has been sleeping on the floor for hours now. I'm out of cigarettes, die fayd die for taking the last pack. I'm on the phone with Becca, she's yelling at her son, her son is yelling back haha....
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I just got done looking at Regan's set meow! meow! I know I'm a bit behind. But I actually read the little intro thingy and invite you to do the same. (It's the blurb of words to the left of all the pictures) Anyways I can be an alien if there are any volunteers to be my pet human...
any takers?
any takers?
Yeah, nurse sharks are pretty docile, I wanna go to South Africa and dive in the Ring of Death. (But I'd rather get bitten someplace else. Like, someplace near a hospital, and by a smaller shark.) Have you seen those nuts that swim cageless with Great Whites like they're fuckin dolphins or something? It kinda gives me a head rush just watching it. They're just huge, flexible, unpredictable killing machines.
I lurrrve them. 

thank you one and all for birthday wishes.
Make that a double ode to little hot pink pills a! I'm feeling groovy. Oops sorry wrong video game, killtacular! Anywhoo aparently when the 7year-old stay up til past One a.m. he slips up and when he dies he wants this "shit back." I am not kidding.
Oh yes and I am suffering my very first boil order. That's right there are bad things in...
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Oh yes and I am suffering my very first boil order. That's right there are bad things in...
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And whose idea was the titty cam? OH YEAH!!!
Happy birthday! We're a couple of spring chickens!

Happy birthday! We're a couple of spring chickens!

ode to little hot pink and peach pills that which will cure me of my bronchitis. It says take with food or milk and I wonder does a bowl of ice cream count as either?
Docotor also gave me a pregnancy test. It's negative. Rik insists doctor nurse lady could be wrong. Apparently his children don't blip on the radar screen until 3-6 months down...
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Docotor also gave me a pregnancy test. It's negative. Rik insists doctor nurse lady could be wrong. Apparently his children don't blip on the radar screen until 3-6 months down...
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I thought this last week. Luckily for me I was wrong.
Ice cream counts as both.
Ice cream counts as both.
