my apartment is makingmefuckingsick with the smell of god damn cat litter!
I can change the shit twice a day, but it still stinks like fuck.
Nag Champa/scented candles do nothing, and my windows are all open. Anyone have cats and use a magical nifty litter that works ?
ugh..on a "stupid pet tricks" note, my kitten has taking aliking to fishing (unused) tampons out of my vanity bin, and terrorizing them.
everytime i look at him he has one dangling out of his chompers.
I have no idea, so dont ask.
It makes me laugh on a regular basis, so i havent yet stopped him from doing it, but the next person who comes over, (after gagging from the cat shit odor) is going to wonder WTF I am doing with nasty chewed up tampons all over my floor, bed, and couch.
--Dickens in action--
i had dry toast for dinner.
this slobby need a jobby.
my apartment is makingmefuckingsick with the smell of god damn cat litter!
I can change the shit twice a day, but it still stinks like fuck.
Nag Champa/scented candles do nothing, and my windows are all open. Anyone have cats and use a magical nifty litter that works ?
ugh..on a "stupid pet tricks" note, my kitten has taking aliking to fishing (unused) tampons out of my vanity bin, and terrorizing them.
everytime i look at him he has one dangling out of his chompers.
I have no idea, so dont ask.
It makes me laugh on a regular basis, so i havent yet stopped him from doing it, but the next person who comes over, (after gagging from the cat shit odor) is going to wonder WTF I am doing with nasty chewed up tampons all over my floor, bed, and couch.
--Dickens in action--
i had dry toast for dinner.
this slobby need a jobby.
OK, so what do you want to do? What are you good at?
Great pics of the kitty, lovely profile pic, and when is your site going to be up?