i am typing this from the 15th floor of a hotel smack dab on the white sandy shores of Floridas very own beautiful melbourne beach. The sound of the surf crashing into the sand is so loud...it is soothing, and at the same time, makes me feeleven more this LONGING achng feeling inside. I wish i felt more loved. i love others, and hope to be lucky enough to have some more thrown back my way. tomorrow is soooo fully, and brutally a beach day. i have my cheesy "tanthrough" suit, and all beach accessories righ tdown to the campy beach book for reading. it will be as easy as waking, and shuffling to the elevator, then out the back door. i hear that song in my head....."iiiiiimmm gonna soak up the suuun! Gonna tell everyonnnne tooo liiight-e-en up! " excuse the typing, as this is being done in my room, with cordless mini keyboard perilously perched on both knees, and some kind of crappy web tv service.
i still want to spend a week in the keys, but am unsure how much tme i can stand to be away from my kitty kats.
and m. m who still makes me want to write poetry- after all this time, and all the shit we have been through. we will be friends forever. i got your back, yo! it really is all about the love

i still want to spend a week in the keys, but am unsure how much tme i can stand to be away from my kitty kats.
and m. m who still makes me want to write poetry- after all this time, and all the shit we have been through. we will be friends forever. i got your back, yo! it really is all about the love

throwin' some love....LA style. xoxox
dig the feaky make up, craaazy babe.