Indian Food fresh from your grocers freezer!
Sounded like a good idea...perfect for a night like this, when the roads are too shitty for me to want to drive anywhere.
made 2 entrees in the oven... and ended up combining them- a chicken biyrani and a tikka masala. Smelled ok, and I doctored it up further with some ground coriander, lemon, and the like.
I dig in, and realize that whatever animal it is that i am eating, is completely similar to the flavor I imagine someones callused toe releasing when knawed upon.
It looks even fucking worse. So I am all like..."well at least the rice wont kill me"...and proceed to pick out/eat the rice. my illusion was shattered as I pull out of my mouth what looks like a tiny piece of vertabre.
God damn it all to fucking frozen dinner hell.
Maybe M will want to get some chai after his band is done with practice.
Sounded like a good idea...perfect for a night like this, when the roads are too shitty for me to want to drive anywhere.
made 2 entrees in the oven... and ended up combining them- a chicken biyrani and a tikka masala. Smelled ok, and I doctored it up further with some ground coriander, lemon, and the like.
I dig in, and realize that whatever animal it is that i am eating, is completely similar to the flavor I imagine someones callused toe releasing when knawed upon.
It looks even fucking worse. So I am all like..."well at least the rice wont kill me"...and proceed to pick out/eat the rice. my illusion was shattered as I pull out of my mouth what looks like a tiny piece of vertabre.
God damn it all to fucking frozen dinner hell.
Maybe M will want to get some chai after his band is done with practice.

I have a couple Indian markets close enough to throw rocks at from my front step! (NE Mpls) Have you been to Udupi? It's THE Indian place to go.
Also noticed at the Holy Land deli you can buy CAMEL LIVER!
Anyway, christ, it's cold, innit??
[Edited on Feb 06, 2003]