I seriously hate my job. I enjoy being a server. I am a people person and I love having money daily but I'm to the point of wanting to stab people with forks. The other servers I work with a lazy and refuse to help with anything. Won't even clean their tables or run their own food. They started a new thing with our restaurant in July. They changed our3 table sections to 4 table sections and they cut servers and busboys. Perfect fucking time for this because our promotion is endless shrimp and all the assholes come out of the woodwork. Where ever they were hiding they are no longer there because they've flocked to us in parties of 7 or more. That's right,I get to have 4 tables of 6 or more assholes demanding biscuits,water with extra extra lemon and endless shrimp. My managers don't give a damn about us. Guests can cuss at us,call us names,make us cry,take off gratuity and my managers will do whatever they can to please them. To hell with us. We don't matter.
I'm a single mother and I have to pay a babysitter. When someone asks to take my shift and I tell my sitter I don't need them then I obviously can't come into work because you're short servers. Bullshit. So tired of this and I haven't even been there for a year. My year is October 12th. And to think I turned down a job at a Japanese steakhouse for this shitty job
I'm a single mother and I have to pay a babysitter. When someone asks to take my shift and I tell my sitter I don't need them then I obviously can't come into work because you're short servers. Bullshit. So tired of this and I haven't even been there for a year. My year is October 12th. And to think I turned down a job at a Japanese steakhouse for this shitty job

sorry to hear. you'll find something better......