im only exercising to stop stressing coz 3rd yr is making me crazy!!!! I wish i changed to a language and something else this term im hating my HRM lessons... so boring!
now im in Valencia coming and going to madrid is crazy crazy...!! but January/Feb is perfect! Cause i sureley will be settle in Madrid by then...or thats my hope... that of i scape back to London hahaha... nope.... first you gotta come and visit!
im only exercising to stop stressing coz 3rd yr is making me crazy!!!! I wish i changed to a language and something else this term im hating my HRM lessons... so boring!
eep see u soon!!
now im in Valencia coming and going to madrid is crazy crazy...!! but January/Feb is perfect! Cause i sureley will be settle in Madrid by then...or thats my hope... that of i scape back to London hahaha... nope.... first you gotta come and visit!