Yeah, he's a looker
But I really think it's guts that matter most...
Promotion time: So, the friend that I'm helping out for work experience is putting on a show on Oct 29th at 93 ft east on brick lane...its a Halloween Party thrown by Crick! Crack! Cronk! and has live music from OUT of SIGHT, Drive Like I Do..., The Crane Brothers and Autopilot Society.
Tickets are only 5 available from:
I will be there and hopefully so will a bunch of my friends, it'd be cool if anyone that is free would come should be a fun night. Yes the music may tend towards the poppy emo side BUT there will also be DJ's and other stuff going on, 93ft East is a pretty awesome venue for those of you that have never been.

I'm all over you
I'm not over you
A few nights ago was fall out boy and seeing one of my oldest friends. Diaz and I have known each other for going on 6 years now, I cant even believe that! Still it was a good show if kind of bizarre to see a band I used to know playing wembly arena and having a crowd 10000 strong screaming their lyrics along with them. However trying to get back from shepherds bush after the aftershow was NOT so fun. Mental note, never just get on the next bus again. Especially at 2am. It makes getting home take a LOT longer.
Nottingham this weekend for Hey Chris! then one week left of the first half of the semester. 2 essays, a translation and a critical commentary in french to do in reading week and then back into hectic study schedual.
Please come say hi if you're free on the 29th.
But I really think it's guts that matter most...
Promotion time: So, the friend that I'm helping out for work experience is putting on a show on Oct 29th at 93 ft east on brick lane...its a Halloween Party thrown by Crick! Crack! Cronk! and has live music from OUT of SIGHT, Drive Like I Do..., The Crane Brothers and Autopilot Society.
Tickets are only 5 available from:
I will be there and hopefully so will a bunch of my friends, it'd be cool if anyone that is free would come should be a fun night. Yes the music may tend towards the poppy emo side BUT there will also be DJ's and other stuff going on, 93ft East is a pretty awesome venue for those of you that have never been.

I'm all over you
I'm not over you
A few nights ago was fall out boy and seeing one of my oldest friends. Diaz and I have known each other for going on 6 years now, I cant even believe that! Still it was a good show if kind of bizarre to see a band I used to know playing wembly arena and having a crowd 10000 strong screaming their lyrics along with them. However trying to get back from shepherds bush after the aftershow was NOT so fun. Mental note, never just get on the next bus again. Especially at 2am. It makes getting home take a LOT longer.
Nottingham this weekend for Hey Chris! then one week left of the first half of the semester. 2 essays, a translation and a critical commentary in french to do in reading week and then back into hectic study schedual.
Please come say hi if you're free on the 29th.
lets hussle people!
that is hilarious. they definitely made an impression though!