When tonight is over
Yesterday is all we got
I hope you made it count
Hello, strange mood. Lack of time outdoors. Maybe. Or maybe just the amount of signs that winter is setting in. Or even the lack of adjustment between here and Spain where the summer seemed to last until at least mid November. At least my main consolation is that since it is now October it will be raining in Valencia. Please, valencian people, do not disabuse me of this notion.
You've gotta push yourself today
Don't just drink and dream
So, on a saturday night the normal student should be out drinking away a hangover and spending the rest of the night trying to get more drunk than the last? Right? My saturday night has consisted of: Seance Courte work, making up a new version of Korma involving no dairy and lacking in the correct spices and a surprise visit from my best friend leading to the watching of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and her help in figuring out my Oral topics for Spanish.
Tomorrow's not that certain
Yes. My life does just consist of schoolwork at the moment. I'm actually quite enjoying it because it means all the other shitty little niggles can't get through and I'm busy so I can't berate myself about lack of movement towards my final goal. I do feel like I need a freaking calender though, geez. I keep making a shit load of plans and then forgetting all about them, plus it would remind me about the freaking homework I have to do and for when. I have a class involving Plato on monday and I have to do reading for it, I only remembered because my housemate's boyfriend takes the same class and asked me if I'd found the book. What is with my brain, usually I'm so memory efficient. Time to stop the drinking again methinks.
I almost feel sorry for what I'm gonna do
And your hair smells of smoke
Who will cast
The first stone
You can't sit or spend the night all alone
On to the bit you guys love most, right? The self promotion. So, in a couple of hours I have a set go up in member review. I know, I know. Twice in a fucking month, you're bored of seeing me naked right. Well, I had a ton of fun shooting it and Akemi is pretty awesome so I think it's worth at least looking through the thumbnails.
A bit of background. The lyrics are from a song by Brand New and originally the shoot was supposed to based on a video by that band, but for a different song. Things just..didn't quite work out the way we planned so we couldn't do what I wanted to. I still really want to shoot the other idea but it just involves a lot of orgnising and coordinating. Some other time. Anyhow, the bar is called Trash Palace, it's in Chinatown on the edge of Soho. Uh, yeah. Back to the lyrics. They sort of fit with my version of a night out drinking. Say what you will, I'm not always a nice person. And I know the last picture is repeated, I couldnt figure out how to delete just one picture, maybe I'm an idiot. Please enjoy and let me and Akemi know if you like it.
Nobody plans to be half a world away at times like these
So I sat alone and waited out the night
The best part of what just happened was the part I must have missed
Someone keeps deleting my interesting set tags. Obviously Izzard humor is lost on tag people.
Yesterday is all we got
I hope you made it count
Hello, strange mood. Lack of time outdoors. Maybe. Or maybe just the amount of signs that winter is setting in. Or even the lack of adjustment between here and Spain where the summer seemed to last until at least mid November. At least my main consolation is that since it is now October it will be raining in Valencia. Please, valencian people, do not disabuse me of this notion.
You've gotta push yourself today
Don't just drink and dream
So, on a saturday night the normal student should be out drinking away a hangover and spending the rest of the night trying to get more drunk than the last? Right? My saturday night has consisted of: Seance Courte work, making up a new version of Korma involving no dairy and lacking in the correct spices and a surprise visit from my best friend leading to the watching of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and her help in figuring out my Oral topics for Spanish.
Tomorrow's not that certain
Yes. My life does just consist of schoolwork at the moment. I'm actually quite enjoying it because it means all the other shitty little niggles can't get through and I'm busy so I can't berate myself about lack of movement towards my final goal. I do feel like I need a freaking calender though, geez. I keep making a shit load of plans and then forgetting all about them, plus it would remind me about the freaking homework I have to do and for when. I have a class involving Plato on monday and I have to do reading for it, I only remembered because my housemate's boyfriend takes the same class and asked me if I'd found the book. What is with my brain, usually I'm so memory efficient. Time to stop the drinking again methinks.
I almost feel sorry for what I'm gonna do
And your hair smells of smoke
Who will cast
The first stone
You can't sit or spend the night all alone
On to the bit you guys love most, right? The self promotion. So, in a couple of hours I have a set go up in member review. I know, I know. Twice in a fucking month, you're bored of seeing me naked right. Well, I had a ton of fun shooting it and Akemi is pretty awesome so I think it's worth at least looking through the thumbnails.
A bit of background. The lyrics are from a song by Brand New and originally the shoot was supposed to based on a video by that band, but for a different song. Things just..didn't quite work out the way we planned so we couldn't do what I wanted to. I still really want to shoot the other idea but it just involves a lot of orgnising and coordinating. Some other time. Anyhow, the bar is called Trash Palace, it's in Chinatown on the edge of Soho. Uh, yeah. Back to the lyrics. They sort of fit with my version of a night out drinking. Say what you will, I'm not always a nice person. And I know the last picture is repeated, I couldnt figure out how to delete just one picture, maybe I'm an idiot. Please enjoy and let me and Akemi know if you like it.
Nobody plans to be half a world away at times like these
So I sat alone and waited out the night
The best part of what just happened was the part I must have missed
Someone keeps deleting my interesting set tags. Obviously Izzard humor is lost on tag people.
yeah i'm gonna be back for christmas but still.. i miss canada allready. what about you? any plans for when you will be overseas again?
uh i don't have time right now.. but i promise you i will check out your new set tomorrow. (i'm sure it's hot stuff