I beg to differ
Make me an offer...
Warm summer rain?
I have made a decision. I am going on a diet.
Before you all say something about me not needing to or how I cant eat enough types of food as it is. Wait. Read on. This is not a food diet. (I like food too much and being allergic to dairy means there is a ton of stuff I can't eat..So dont fret, I'm not trying to starve myself!)
A diet, figuratively, means cutting down on something right? [this is bypassing the fact that it also means a council in the former roman empire and a legeslative body in Japan] Well, in that case I'm going on a stress diet...I'm cutting stress out of my daily life. That's it, I'm done with it.
Easier than it sounds, but I have heard diets are hard, so...y'know I'm going to try and stick to this one.
See, stress is what's causing the majority of my issues; the apathy, the distorted view of myself, the general lack of doing anything constructive. It IS also making me put on weight, sleep badly, sometimes feel disorientated and have a general lack of desire to leave the house. This could also be attributed to boredom.
So instead of groaning and hiding the huge pile of work I have sat by my computer I am going to make a positive start on it...tomorrow...
but really, I am, I have a shit load of stuff going on in May which means I will have very little spare time (It's my birthday may 12th..
..and we're getting a last minute deal and getting out of here!) to do work..So I have to do it now, ahead of time.
That aside, it's late, I have an exam tomorrow, and I am horribly un tired...oh late classes how I hate thee..must..revise..Great.Vowel.Shift..
So, because I know that blogs with just writing are boring:
Make me an offer...
Warm summer rain?
I have made a decision. I am going on a diet.
Before you all say something about me not needing to or how I cant eat enough types of food as it is. Wait. Read on. This is not a food diet. (I like food too much and being allergic to dairy means there is a ton of stuff I can't eat..So dont fret, I'm not trying to starve myself!)
A diet, figuratively, means cutting down on something right? [this is bypassing the fact that it also means a council in the former roman empire and a legeslative body in Japan] Well, in that case I'm going on a stress diet...I'm cutting stress out of my daily life. That's it, I'm done with it.
Easier than it sounds, but I have heard diets are hard, so...y'know I'm going to try and stick to this one.
See, stress is what's causing the majority of my issues; the apathy, the distorted view of myself, the general lack of doing anything constructive. It IS also making me put on weight, sleep badly, sometimes feel disorientated and have a general lack of desire to leave the house. This could also be attributed to boredom.
So instead of groaning and hiding the huge pile of work I have sat by my computer I am going to make a positive start on it...tomorrow...

That aside, it's late, I have an exam tomorrow, and I am horribly un tired...oh late classes how I hate thee..must..revise..Great.Vowel.Shift..
So, because I know that blogs with just writing are boring:
And so there you go...
I thought of you today. I had a small spending spree on graphic novels and I brought one called Tiempos Finales Volume One. It is a mix of Spainsh and English and is rather spiffy. It's by a guy called Samuel Hiti, I think it may use Spainsh folklore as a source but it's not a subject I know anything about it really so that's just a wild shot in the dark on my part.
I take it that there's no sign?