So i have been MIA for a few, and not enough "just me" time (sometimes i get the need to just hang out with myself and chill and process things) have lead to a lack of replies to comments, messages, emails, texts (though that is to do with credit also) and suchlike...but i do appreciate knowing you're all there and still alive! and i will get back to you eventually, i promise...
It's know how just need to be somewhere on your own, to get away from all the madness thats going on around you..well thats happening a lot recently, i guess because of the spanish thing...sometimes i feel like i'm doing fine and at others, i just cant express myself because i have no idea how to form some of the more complex thoughts into'instance how do you say "they must have had a lot of time on their hands" in spanish...i still get tenses a little mixed up, and the imperfect/pluperfect subjunctive is my bane, why do i have the urge to say things like "if they'd bought that they would've been ripped off" (Si lo hubieran comprando, habrian estafando) just sucks sometimes that i feel like i'm not progessing anymore, i want to talk but im shy because i hardly ever speak to spanish people, so when i have to i get all i apologise for my bad temper and general disappearance
Anyway, las fallas starts properly on friday apparently, i've already seen some of the structures being put up around here and they look amazing, the amount of work that has gone into them is so impressive! i can't believe they're going to burn them, but then i guess there are around 300 so um, what would you do with them if you didnt burn them
but the noise, the noise has started already, the kids have started throwing los petardos y las mascletas empiezaron hace dos semanas...every day at 14:00 there are 10 minutes of explosions, which have reached up to 120 decebels according to rach who saw it measured on the news the other day...srsly, when i went on the first day it was shaking the buildings...
So the noise of the city never really stops, but escaping to the port and listening to the waves on the rocks is pretty calming..and from here you can see everything, the city spread out before you, all high rise, television aerials and construction doesnt sound like much but i wish i could show you this city through my eyes, the pictures don't do it justice..sometimes i turn around and im startled by the hidden beauty of this place, it has its own have to take the time and work at things but once you've gotten to know it it starts to give up its little secrets..Oh i cant capture it with words or images, i wish i could so i could show you what i mean...
I still want to leave, because i want to explore more of spain, i want to get on a bus and get down in a random city for the day, just to look around...but i think i would be sad if i never came back here again
i guess you can see it's grown on me huh?
I'm looking forward to the other things in las fallas, the paella competitions, the dancing in the street and the fact that my parents are coming over for a few days
i missed them a lot and i just wish my brother could be here too
Barca this weekend was fun, a really good couple of nights out, and days being a tourist...i vsited parc guell, the gaudi houses, las ramblas, the catedral and some of the old city...took some pictures and in the evenings hung out in a bunch of areas i cant remember the names of, went to a make your own pizza place where they made me cheese free pizza...did a real live bottelon in someones flat this time, then went to a club at 3am and partied till 7am when we got the train home, i did feel incredibly native after that..still, i did get a bit bad tempered because my friend sam (whom i love to pieces) got drunk, and when he's drunk you have to look after him because frankly he cant look after himself, he doesnt know what he's doing...and we were at a straight club...and he was hitting on guys...he did almost get us started on *sigh* and he's such a moody drunk it just makes me grah! i obviously wont deal well with stubborn children...
okay enough ranting..more pictures... last thing before pictures...I SAW THE CURE!! and him who i have now decided i like...and from first to last, who were pretty awful...but yeah, there was a free concert here in the city of arts and sciences
It's know how just need to be somewhere on your own, to get away from all the madness thats going on around you..well thats happening a lot recently, i guess because of the spanish thing...sometimes i feel like i'm doing fine and at others, i just cant express myself because i have no idea how to form some of the more complex thoughts into'instance how do you say "they must have had a lot of time on their hands" in spanish...i still get tenses a little mixed up, and the imperfect/pluperfect subjunctive is my bane, why do i have the urge to say things like "if they'd bought that they would've been ripped off" (Si lo hubieran comprando, habrian estafando) just sucks sometimes that i feel like i'm not progessing anymore, i want to talk but im shy because i hardly ever speak to spanish people, so when i have to i get all i apologise for my bad temper and general disappearance
Anyway, las fallas starts properly on friday apparently, i've already seen some of the structures being put up around here and they look amazing, the amount of work that has gone into them is so impressive! i can't believe they're going to burn them, but then i guess there are around 300 so um, what would you do with them if you didnt burn them

but the noise, the noise has started already, the kids have started throwing los petardos y las mascletas empiezaron hace dos semanas...every day at 14:00 there are 10 minutes of explosions, which have reached up to 120 decebels according to rach who saw it measured on the news the other day...srsly, when i went on the first day it was shaking the buildings...
So the noise of the city never really stops, but escaping to the port and listening to the waves on the rocks is pretty calming..and from here you can see everything, the city spread out before you, all high rise, television aerials and construction doesnt sound like much but i wish i could show you this city through my eyes, the pictures don't do it justice..sometimes i turn around and im startled by the hidden beauty of this place, it has its own have to take the time and work at things but once you've gotten to know it it starts to give up its little secrets..Oh i cant capture it with words or images, i wish i could so i could show you what i mean...
I still want to leave, because i want to explore more of spain, i want to get on a bus and get down in a random city for the day, just to look around...but i think i would be sad if i never came back here again
i guess you can see it's grown on me huh?
I'm looking forward to the other things in las fallas, the paella competitions, the dancing in the street and the fact that my parents are coming over for a few days

Barca this weekend was fun, a really good couple of nights out, and days being a tourist...i vsited parc guell, the gaudi houses, las ramblas, the catedral and some of the old city...took some pictures and in the evenings hung out in a bunch of areas i cant remember the names of, went to a make your own pizza place where they made me cheese free pizza...did a real live bottelon in someones flat this time, then went to a club at 3am and partied till 7am when we got the train home, i did feel incredibly native after that..still, i did get a bit bad tempered because my friend sam (whom i love to pieces) got drunk, and when he's drunk you have to look after him because frankly he cant look after himself, he doesnt know what he's doing...and we were at a straight club...and he was hitting on guys...he did almost get us started on *sigh* and he's such a moody drunk it just makes me grah! i obviously wont deal well with stubborn children...
okay enough ranting..more pictures... last thing before pictures...I SAW THE CURE!! and him who i have now decided i like...and from first to last, who were pretty awful...but yeah, there was a free concert here in the city of arts and sciences

Please say you'll come alone tonight, please sing the words we love, don't say that you forgot them..Don't keep the hand we've come to hold, I know you want to, untie this rope and let it go....
True fact: I got all his DVDs in a box set for 8. That made me smug enough to power a whole city for at least a month.