So...i turn 21 in precisely 13 minutes, this is supposed to be a defining moment in ones life i think but i'm going to be spending the next 13 minutes waiting for my brother to get home and wondering how much i have achieved in the past 21 years
to be completely honest i have no regrets
yeah, i've done some pretty shitty stuff, i've messed around with drugs and alcohol but gave it up, i've hurt friends and boyfriends..but you learn from everything right? and without those mistakes i definately wouldnt be the person i am now...its funny how things work, i'm not sure how many people will really care all that much but here is a list of random things i have done with my 21 years:
to be completely honest i have no regrets
yeah, i've done some pretty shitty stuff, i've messed around with drugs and alcohol but gave it up, i've hurt friends and boyfriends..but you learn from everything right? and without those mistakes i definately wouldnt be the person i am now...its funny how things work, i'm not sure how many people will really care all that much but here is a list of random things i have done with my 21 years:
- Travelled round the world by myself at 18
- Flown to New Jersey just for a festival
- Flown to Utah just for a wedding
- Found my closest friends through a band messageboard
- Travelled all over england to meet friends and see bands
- Gone no longer than a month without seeing a live band since i was 16
- Learned to cook and look after myself
- Found out that siblings can be incredibly close friends
- Helped a band out on tour
- Had some amazing times and made some amazing freinds
so there you go...pretty much everything is to do with music because...well...since i was 16 thats pretty much all i've wanted to do with my life...
and tomorrow i will be seeing Rise Against, getting a new tattoo and if the weather is good chasing my friends round hyde park lake in boats =)
g'night people
EDIT: thankyou for all the birthday messages you're awesome and i had a great time! i just came on here to say my arm hurts :p and this is what i got done!
Just because we could! Bit of a whim, but so far, so good...
Hope you had a good birthday!
The new tatt looks great!