It's been a while, I know. And I know I say this every time, but I do hope to come here more often and communicate with all my lovely friends, but somehow it never quite happens that way. Still, I'm here now. I guess I've been busy. Had a flying visit to London a couple of weeks ago - did a bit of shopping, went to see the production of Sweet Charity at the Menier Chocolate Factory = a fantastic little venue producing world-class musical theatre. Stayed at my aunt's flat - I'd forgotten how noisy London feels after living in the sticks for so long, but it was very energising and exciting.
Just started directing a new play (well actually a very old play, but new to me). I'm very fired up about it and feeling very creative at present. Maybe I'll channel some of that creative energy into a story for Filthy Dirty Smutty? Stay tuned.
Thanks for all the messages even when I've been a bit quiet. It's always a pleasure.

Just started directing a new play (well actually a very old play, but new to me). I'm very fired up about it and feeling very creative at present. Maybe I'll channel some of that creative energy into a story for Filthy Dirty Smutty? Stay tuned.
Thanks for all the messages even when I've been a bit quiet. It's always a pleasure.