I realise this blog must read like a list of ailments, but what the hecki - I'm ill again. Definitely flu this time. Spending the day reading a lot and catching up on DVDs though, so every cloud ... Would trade all that to feel better though ...
More Blogs
Thursday Apr 09, 2009
While my move to a laptop has been fantastic in regard to speed of ac… -
Monday Mar 23, 2009
I've got a week off work! Lots of things to do around the house - wal… -
Wednesday Mar 18, 2009
Went to see Watchmen on Saturday - what a film. As faithful an adapta… -
Monday Feb 16, 2009
Well, it's been a while ('twas ever thus) but I'm back again - finall… -
Tuesday Jan 20, 2009
First of all, hello to all my friends in the US and congratulations o… -
Thursday Jan 08, 2009
I've just been checking through my friends list and was quite taken a… -
Tuesday Jan 06, 2009
Two days, two posts! Is this a record. Back home at lunchtime to chec… -
Monday Jan 05, 2009
Happy New Year, everyone. I've got a new laptop which hopefully will … -
Tuesday Dec 09, 2008
I've just finished reading Joe Hill's Heart-Shaped Box - a very haunt… -
Saturday Nov 08, 2008
I've got bruises on my arm from stripping the willow. (It's a Scotti…
Apart from flu-ey how are you? x