Can puberty give you nostalgia? Not for those who go through it pre-teen & teen, no, I don't think so - no past time to be nostalgic for. But today I got an attack of it. It's different to live ones life for decades and then go through puberty. Where are all the SGs I remember from years ago? From when I first joined about a decade and a half ago? I went looking for some just now. @quine - gone away. @friskey @fussy - not heard from in years. I haven't the heart to look any more.
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Good news postponed, so another joke
From an English primary school maths exam: If Jane has 4 apples,… -
No! Another Galaxy bar joke!
Two galaxies go into a bar every night. The first night they were b… -
And yet another spiral galaxy bar joke
Two galaxies walk into a bar. The regular spiral galaxy and the ba… -
Another galaxy pub joke
Two galaxies walk into a pub. There was a “battle of the bands” co… -
Astronomy pub joke
Two spiral galaxies walk in to a pub. One says "Two pints of bit… -
Physics bar joke
Two electron neutrinos walk into a bar, and the tau neutrino says "… -
Doing the rounds in Russia at the moment
Вопрос на всенародное голосование – Вы не против изменения Конст… -
Bilingual Joke - Spanish helps.
A Mexican bandit held up a bank in Tucson. The sheriff and his depu…