Sorry, let things get the better of me a bit yesterday. Still, today is another day – obviously.
So what are we doing today? I could do a bit of history – I realised why @redberry seemed so familiar. I first met her four hundred and seven years ago, at Pendle Hill, during the Lancashire witch trials. Sorry about that sweetie, but girl, did you look good in green 😍💚! But maybe not today.
No. Today transfeminism, tomorrow the world. Transfeminism and not me, catchy title, eh? You see, I’m trans, and I’m really, really, definitely, really, really feminist. In a radical, and not even slightly cultural way. But I’m fairly sure I’m not transfeminist. Now don’t get me wrong. That isn’t because I’m foremost a feminist, and not transfeminist because I’m one of those feminists by whom transfeminists struggle to be accepted, due to the idea that the representation of transgender women threatens the empowerment or rôle of cisgender women. No, as a trans woman (non-trans-)feminist I accept and welcome transfeminists as feminists (and women). I hope that’s clear🤪.
Nor is it that I would have a problem as a lesbian transfeminist. No, that’s fine. But as it happens, I’m a trans lesbian feminist, that’s all. Now transfeminism has been defined as "an approach to feminism that is informed by trans politics". And surely that’s my belief, n’est pas? And yes, it is – so why the fuck aren’t I a transfeminist then?
And I think the answer is that I am really. I just haven’t come to terms with it yet.