Normally I put stuff in footnotes, but I don’t want anyone not familiar with me to read this post and get the wrong idea. So, let me say this upfront: @redberry is my friend. She is, I think, just about the nicest, warmest, and most accepting person I have ever known – and though we live thousands of miles apart, we were born in the same town on Lancashire, England (though there’s a little bit of an argument about that).
OK, onwards. I am the Champion, and @redberry (AKA OtherBerry or Berry2) is a loser. Here’s the deal; I was at home, rather unwell, yesterday, and at about noon Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA time, or 4pm Darwen, Lancashire, UK time, @redberry started streaming, so I joined. The stream went on – she being her usual happy, friendly self, and I being my usual nasty, vindictive self – and as time passed, people joined and people left, and on the stream went, @redberry and I always there (except strictly speaking when she went to get changed into, and later out of, her Halloween costume).
And on the stream went, hour after hour; now with people joining and exclaiming “This stream is still going on?!”. By now people were joining for the third time, having left to lead their lives twice already – and still the stream continued.
So, at some point, this became a @redberry and @nikberry challenge – who would crack first? @redberry had to go shopping at some point, the only place open by now being the garage (gas station). Me? I was unwell and getting very tired – so tired I started being nice to her, probably scaring her.
Well the end finally came, at I believe 1:30am or so Darwen time (@redberry correct me if I’m wrong, I was too tired to remember clearly), after 9½ hours of non-stop continuous streaming, and I won I won I won!