NOTE: The views expressed here are not the views of Suicide Girls, nor of anyone except me. Other people may have different views, although they are wrong.
Eco-feminism is a bag of shite*.
Eco-(so-called)-feminism is much more spiritual than political or theoretical in nature, i.e., it is a bag of shite*. It is often jumbled up incoherently with such New Age tosh as Wicca, Mother Goddess worship, and other crap of the occultist stream of Western esotericism, and with vegetarianism - thus trying its damnest to get vegetatianism a bad name. The fundamental tenet of eco-feminism is that a patriarchal society will exploit its resources without regard to long term consequences, as a direct result of the attitudes fostered in a patriarchal society. Which may, in fact, be true - although a ludicrously simplistic view. It holds that by resisting patriarchal culture, eco-feminists are also resisting the rapine and plunder of the earth's resources. Even more ridiculously, eco-feminism holds the reverse to be true, that by resisting the patriarchy's attempted destruction of the Earth, they will overcome patriarchal culture. Bag of shite*.
*Well, sort of. A bit, certainly. OK, a lot. IMHO.