Was zum Teufel. Ok God damn it. I had "The Dream" again. and this time it threw me for a fucking loop. why does this girl haunt my dreams? We have been separated from almost eight years now. Our relationship has been tested and tried. been put through the most things, that most people could even dream of going through. we've been friends, then not, then friends again, not talk to each other in months, even engaged. now she is married, owns her on house, and is trying to have her own family. so now that she has moved on in her life, why does she pain me still to the point of never wanting to sleep again. of coarse that maybejust my fear of not waking up that keeps me awake most nights until i pass out 3 days later. Maybe they are right, some of my friends. odd note just saw a commercal for ky mist WTF. and way, they say is should go see someone and talk to them. but i know that i wont cause what happens in this mind tends to stay locked away until i just go insane. youve all seen this stage, not pretty.

Meg and mini Meg!