cross linked for LJ
hello my friends. im home again. had a nice time in LA. I know that there are mixed feelings about my trip. right now the whole lag is killin me. met some really nice ppl out there. Made an ass out of myself. now for this,yall know that i suck at suttle hints. for this i deeply am sorry. there were many things i wanted to write but decided to just go home queitly, without a word spoken. i did do something that i have not done in year, YEARS I SAY. i preformed an old ritual on myself to purdge my self of my wrong doing. towards the end, I did finaly catch on. DEE DEE DEE. im slow. now yall know that i am a watcher and a listener to yall. But sometimes I cant take it. there are just some things that you should not discuss. im guilty of it and so are some of you. i found out with this holiday trip alot about myself. my mind cant be trusted, and that it must be punished for that. old things are in the past for a reason. Fuck im 28. When in the hell will i learn. I have a swell group of close friends. two of which are now classified as sisters, and one a brother. at this point in my life i want to disappear again. for how long i do not know. im lost.......................
hello my friends. im home again. had a nice time in LA. I know that there are mixed feelings about my trip. right now the whole lag is killin me. met some really nice ppl out there. Made an ass out of myself. now for this,yall know that i suck at suttle hints. for this i deeply am sorry. there were many things i wanted to write but decided to just go home queitly, without a word spoken. i did do something that i have not done in year, YEARS I SAY. i preformed an old ritual on myself to purdge my self of my wrong doing. towards the end, I did finaly catch on. DEE DEE DEE. im slow. now yall know that i am a watcher and a listener to yall. But sometimes I cant take it. there are just some things that you should not discuss. im guilty of it and so are some of you. i found out with this holiday trip alot about myself. my mind cant be trusted, and that it must be punished for that. old things are in the past for a reason. Fuck im 28. When in the hell will i learn. I have a swell group of close friends. two of which are now classified as sisters, and one a brother. at this point in my life i want to disappear again. for how long i do not know. im lost.......................