Well, lets see. Still alive. Felling someone good, Ive been doing a boat load of things to help improve my life. But you know there are time when no matter how good you feel and things look decent enough to pass. It just hits you like a truck full of rocks. And well this kinda sums it up.
As my birthday slowly creeps up on me and i realize that i am no longer a teenager(by a long shot). and i see all my friends grow up, and mostly all are married on workin on it. I tend to look back and see all the things we have done together and am pretty damn satsified with it. But now its time to think about me. ive done enough to help others, its time to help me. to take the bull by the horns and kick it in the ass. I dont know how im gonna do it but hey, im a good thinker ill think of something.
You need to send me your number again. The old phone brokededed and took your number with it.
Or perhaps make friends?