I like working out in my underwear in front of my giant mirror lol.......... Get fit! :-P
I like working out in my underwear in front of my giant mirror lol.......... Get fit! :-P
Thank you to all who have pushed the FOLLOW button! Much appreciation :-)
Work selfie on NYE at my new job downtown.... had so much fun :-)
My life is a roller coaster lol..... And I love it! Shooting pics and planning my NUDE TALK SHOW, "Naked Intelligence" and working my regular jobs, Im busy. Staying on the hustle is tiring at times but I love my life and what I do. After being married for 11yrs, I am free to be me and do what I want, and I'm really happy...
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The one thing that brings us ALL together, no matter what race, is.....................MUSIC!
Music can make a negative vibe turn glorious and harmonious. But why do we fall out of this rhythm when the music stops? Why is it we can be harmonious with the ups and downs of the music but not in life?
What is it to you, that makes music so powerful??
2014 was a great year of progress and Im happy for what has been accomplished. 2015 is gonna be new beginings and I cant wait to share them with you :-)
I have attached some awesome eye candy for you!!
After my little shoot, my roommate and I ventured out to see about a job....I decided to stay in disguise. So of course we have to take a bathroom selfie LOL
AphroOner is an local artist I am so happy to have been introduced to. He is one of the reasons Im on here now. Check his work out :-)