red it is.

i will post pics when i am done with it though.
but give me a couple days.
havana last night was kinda dead, but still fun. i think i'm more comfortable when there are less people. i'm too shy for big crowds. i kinda just lurk around....
but last night i saw a few girls that were at hell city, and met a bunch of new ones.... like rigel, who is only a few inches taller than me!
i just can't wait to be 21 at one of these things so i don't have to be the DD and make sure my boyfriend doesn't pee on any gas pumps on the way home.
i'm really unhappy with my hair.
it feels crappy... is a million different shades of red.... and i'm scared to go over it again to even it out because of how weak it is....
right now i'm debating these two options:
chop it short and start over.... probably into an asymmetric bob [rihanna-like].... and leave it red.... maybe add some black streaks where the hair didn't lift as much....
or go over it with red dye again... even the shade out as much as possible.... and then get dreads.
i was growing my hair out for dreads anyways, but i was hoping to wait until it was a lot longer.
so i dread it now, and have kinda short ones, or i cut my hair short and start over.
i dunno!