i know better ones.
i think i might make a video tonight at work.
we'll see....

i am so bored with my hair.
i've been growing it out for over a year now...
i want to do something new..
not even new, i want to return to the easy and sexy aeonflux bob i usually sport.
i've gotten it cut like that several times since my freshman year....
but i think if i cut it i will regret cutting it as soon as i get bored with it again.
hell, thats what i'm growing my hair out from right now.
i might just change the color.
i dunno.
i need to make up my mind though because my roots are baaaaddd....
lets get some votes!
i'm open to any suggestions too...
votes so far:
17 - red
3 - blonde
5 - black
i'm going to keep this going.
i've decided to wait til the end of summer to color it.
because, i'm giving it til the end of summer to grow out.
if its not past the awkward "mid shoulder" length phase, then i'm chopping it.
my hair is really dry right now as is, and the bottom half of it has been bleached before.
so i'm slightly concerned with the health of it. its really fine.
i'm dying my hair black one last time until the end of summer tomorrow.
i'm also gluing in some temporary highlights to help fix my boredom with my hair.
haven't decided between purple or blue.
we'll see tomorrow.
probably going to use the extensions and highlights to blend my bangs in with the rest of my hair.
i am SO sick of them especially.
i dunno. i look funny without bangs.
pictures and a video as soon as i get the camera back.
you all talked me into it. videos of my pole dancing coming soon.